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Posted by David M
- Play count: 1863
Size: 1,866kb, uploaded 8/7/2010 3:00:25 AM
Genre: Other / Playing Style: Other
My attempt at the 60's classic tv series theme music played in Bb.
8 comments on “Beverly Hillbillies”
JanetB Says:
Friday, September 2, 2011 @4:58:51 AM
David, is this really you? Mighty impressive! I grew up close to Beverly Hills and spent many a summer's day by my aunt's swimming pool in BH. I never figured out why someone needed five bathrooms!
David M Says:
Saturday, September 3, 2011 @10:05:38 AM
Ha..!! Yes that's me having a go Janet, not your average Earl arrangement, just how it sounds to me with chunks of the speech missing to make it fit my playing easier.
Sounds a wonderful childhood..!! I bet you wanted to go and visit your Aunty a lot.. :-) I also bet you had a tour of where 'so n so' lives there and up here on the left is 'such n such's house'..! It just seems a world away from the English Kent village where I live, but I am only less than a mile from one of Britains formost celebrity musician/TV personalities in his castle home with Bentleys/Aston Martin/Cadillac etc.. :-)
We only have one bathroom and that takes enough cleaning each week, fthat's why I haven't built another four.
Thanks for coming and having a listen Janet, I appreciate it.....David
Paul Roberts Says:
Friday, September 16, 2011 @7:10:21 AM
David, I'm glad you made a comment on one of my tunes because that led me to your music which I'm really enjoying. This is great stuff - both singing and playing.
David M Says:
Saturday, September 17, 2011 @10:00:23 AM
Hi Paul, it's very kind of you to take the time and stick with my tunes, I really appreciate your comments.
I struggled with getting this one out, it's just a quick by ear type of recording not following any type of tab which I feel does strike the quality down quite a bit. I just learnt the song and tried to get something that sounded similar to the melody. In the end I posted it as I liked rattling it off in the front room..!
Best wishes...David
rickhayes Says:
Monday, July 30, 2012 @7:42:33 AM
Nice take on that David.
David M Says:
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 @3:20:25 AM
Thanks Rick, I've heard people of all ages really nail this one on here, I feel mine is well down the pile on picking quality but you don't hear many sing along with it.
Best wishes.....David
benjo75 Says:
Wednesday, August 23, 2017 @10:48:42 PM
Very good picking. Very smooth singing too. Wish I could sing.
David M Says:
Thursday, August 24, 2017 @2:29:00 AM
Thanks Ben, add a bit of reverb it hides loads..!
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