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Marc Nerenberg |
Posted by Marc Nerenberg, written by Dick Justice
- Play count: 341
Size: 3,411kb, uploaded 2/26/2010 4:22:24 PM
Genre: Unknown/None Chosen / Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Recorded in the late 1970's by the band I was then in, Armadillo Brand, which consisted (at the time of this recording) of myself, Michael Jerome Browne, and Bill Russell. I'm pretty sure Michael was still a teenager at the time. He learned this song from an old 78 by Dick Justice (Michael had an incredible collection of old blues 78's that was unfortunately destroyed in a fire, along with a bunch of his instruments). Michael singing and playing the guitar and I'm playing some blues noodling on the banjo, and adding a little vocal harmony and punctuation from time to time.
strokestyle Says:
Friday, February 26, 2010 @5:49:13 PM
This is really fun thanks for sharing!
Marc Nerenberg Says:
Friday, February 26, 2010 @7:29:01 PM
Well, thank you for listening! I notice I forgot to mention that Bill Russell is playing washtub bass on this song.
I had completely forgotten that we sometimes used a washtub bass or jug for the bass parts. And we used a real Cajun ti-fer (triangle made out of a railway spike) and washboard, too (Bill's from Louisiana, and really knew how to play 'em...he taught me how as well.)
supah_g Says:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 @7:08:02 PM
Sweet! I truly love this!!! 1970!? Awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!
Frisco Fred Says:
Friday, August 13, 2010 @4:54:14 PM
The most complete story of early 20th century drug life I've heard
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