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Huber Berkshire (HR-30 ring) - Fireball Mail #3

Posted by Forrest, written by Roy Acuff


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- Play count: 833

Size: 1,160kb, uploaded 1/14/2010 4:05:42 PM
Genre: Bluegrass / Playing Style: Bluegrass (Scruggs)

Take #3 this time with Huber Truetone strings. I played the strings for a few hours to break them in prior to recording. Apple MacBook Pro with built-in mic.

4 comments on “Huber Berkshire (HR-30 ring) - Fireball Mail #3”

davidtoc Says:
Thursday, September 9, 2010 @8:00:30 AM

That Bershire sounds fantastic.

Banjov1 Says:
Saturday, September 18, 2010 @9:05:11 AM

WOW!! That banjo does sound nice Alan. Nice job. I've been thinking about getting a Huber myself. The used ones with the old tone rings are listing for less and less on the classifieds here. Would you recommend holding out for one with the HR30?

Forrest Says:
Saturday, September 18, 2010 @5:33:13 PM

Thank you Tony! I wouldn't hesitate to buy one of the used Hubers from the classifieds. I can't believe how low this buyers market has driven the prices. The "Vintage" ring is incredible, so I wouldn't get too caught up in the upgrade fanfare. The HR-30 is great, so don't get me wrong, but the old ring is hard to beat. They're just apples of a different variety if that makes any sense. I have a Huber Vintage and I wouldn't dream of changing out the original ring - it sounds that good to my ear. I've had a hard time not getting one of the used Lancasters currently in the classifieds and I need another banjo get the point. ;0)

One thing to consider would be getting one of the used Hubers, play it for a few months, then send it back to Steve for upgrade to the new ring. You could play it with the new ring for a while and make a decision which you like better. The OEM/long skirt Vintage rings are selling well and would cover 40% of the cost of the upgrade if you decide you like the HR-30 better.

Banjov1 Says:
Saturday, September 18, 2010 @7:36:07 PM

thanks for the input

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