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Loch Lomond

Posted by Tom Berghan


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- Play count: 4085

Size: 5,391kb, uploaded 1/5/2010 10:57:33 PM
Genre: Traditional / Playing Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time

Tom Berghan In 1746, Bonnie Prince Charles led his supporting Scottish clans against the British on the fields of Culloden. The British won the battle, and the clans were decimated. During the purges of the highlands, thousands were lost, families and clans were destroyed, lands were seized and the people plunged into poverty, and the Scots were stripped of their tartans, music and weapons. Clans from the Loch Lomond area had followed Prince Charles in the rebellion. This folk song reflects the despair of the time. The legend of this song is that it was written by a young soldier to his sweetheart. Two of Prince Charles’ soldiers were captured in Carlisle. One was condemned to die and he wrote the song. The other was released and took the song back to Scotland to give to his colleague’s sweetheart. The low road refers to the condemned soldier’s impending death and the path of his spirit, whilst the high road is the actual road his friend must travel back to Scotland over the high and rugged hills, hence, the condemned soldier’s spirit would return via the low road and be back in Scotland first.

5 comments on “Loch Lomond”

g3zdm Says:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010 @12:41:08 PM

Nicely done' It's difficult to get this tune to come across with pathos - like an air as normally heard on less stacatto intruments like flutes or fiddles.
You succeeded :-)

banjoike Says:
Monday, January 18, 2010 @4:22:59 PM

Ive Been to Culloden. Very eerie...and spooky there!

omiimii Says:
Thursday, January 21, 2010 @10:40:23 PM

absolutely beautiful. played with such deliberateness and care. i wish i had been listening to this while standing on the banks of loch lomond. maybe next time!

jimh269b Says:
Monday, June 7, 2010 @5:40:18 PM

man im glad your on my friends list,great job

RWJonesy Says:
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 @5:30:18 AM

This song fits the description to the T !!!! Nice job !

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