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ac5aa |
Clark-a-holic Says:
Monday, June 4, 2007 @9:46:00 PM
Hey Duane,
What?! Your call sign is NOT engraved on your truss rod cover? I have N2DUI on my two Deering banjos. After my Huber Lancaster arrives in September, I will get my call sign engraved on that baby too.
Nice Martin guitar you have for sale--someone is going to get a beauty!
Hmmm, no radio gear in the picture with your Gibson banjo. . . .
73 es CUL de Al, N2DUI kn
ac5aa Says:
Wednesday, June 6, 2007 @11:37:48 PM
Guess I need to post my other photo - me in front of all the gear! Hey, great idea to have the callsign engraved on the truss rod cover. I'll definitely consider that. Yes, the D-18VS is a beaut. One too many guitars, tho, and running out of room and $ to buy another banjo with! Take care, Al.
73 de AC5AA SK dit -dit :-)
Clark-a-holic Says:
Thursday, June 7, 2007 @7:24:32 PM
Hey Duane,
Whenever I get a free moment from studying, I need to take a few digital pictures of my banjos and guitars and upload them to my BHO home page.
Yep, between purchasing banjos, guitars, and ham gear, I am flat broke! Good thing I am between girfriends. Ooops, I just realized THAT IS WHY. . . oh, man!
73 es Happy Field Day 2007!
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