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drummer101 |
First Attempt
2 comments on “Mountain Banjo 1”
lukeaskance Says:
Thursday, March 17, 2011 @4:07:28 AM
That's a beautiful home-made banjo - hats off to you mate!
If you're interested in experimental banjo music you should check out Nathan Bell - I'm not sure how much of his music you can find on the net, since he doesn't seem very myspacey etc. I saw him play here in France a few months ago (he lives in Baltimore though) and it was a real revelation - proved to me that you really can take the banjo to unexpected places. He gave me a couple of home-made albums - if you can't find anything by him let me know and I'll try to contact him to see if he'll send you something (I prefer not to copy them, he deserves to be able to sell them if he can..)
drummer101 Says:
Sunday, May 8, 2011 @6:12:00 PM
It's not quite as pretty close up but thanks anyway! Thanks for the hint and I found the guy pretty fast myspace.com/osmodiusbell I'm liking what I hear!
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