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skeller77 |
Haven't seen him for awhile, quess he made it through the winter o.k.
6 comments on “Had a visitor today.”
dgill Says:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @5:30:10 PM
Nice picture, but he would look good in gravy.
rickshunter1 Says:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @6:02:36 PM
Nice rooster you don't see them much anymore like you did when I was kid
skeller77 Says:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @7:03:18 PM
No, ain't to many around any more Rick and I agree with Donnie, Pheasant sure is good eatin'.
catching2nd Says:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 @5:35:48 AM
We used to have a couple when I was a kid. We had a very large pin we kept them in. Beautiful birds.
muntjac Says:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 @10:59:36 AM
Yup pheasant sure is a good eating bird.
alfiedog Says:
Friday, November 12, 2010 @4:03:18 PM
Loads of these around here. We live very close to a Shooting Ground. So we see loads of Pheasant, and Grouse. But i have never ate one.
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