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BrendanD |
One of my favorite ought-to-be road signs...
twhite54 Says:
Thursday, January 18, 2007 @5:47:00 AM
gotta admit i like it...now if it survives the editorial board...
BrendanD Says:
Thursday, January 18, 2007 @6:04:01 AM
Yeah, I suppose it might offend somebody, so I guess it might get deleted. But I'll bet an awful lot of folks can relate to the sentiments expressed...
carlb Says:
Friday, February 22, 2008 @11:22:24 AM
Feel that way especially when I'm riding my bike on the road. I look in my rear view mirror much more often that I did in the time before the cell phone (TBCP). Is the driver coming up behind me talking on a cell phone? Better get ready to head for the dirt. I won't ride a thin wheel bike on the road any more. Got to have that control when I forced off into the dirt.
roger martin Says:
Friday, March 14, 2008 @12:41:03 PM
What is it with cell phones? We all survived before they were invented.Does all these folks that use them constantly on the road REALLY need to make that call right then?
Or, is it possibly that people now days cant stand to be alone that long without "touching base "with somebody?
Most of the time when I over hear a conversation they are not really saying anything if ya get my drift.
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