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J-Walk |
5 comments on “My banjos, as of June 2008”
harvey Says:
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @1:44:41 PM
Very impressive indeed, John. I wish I'd such a wide range of quality banjos! Enjoy them.
mrphysics55 Says:
Sunday, October 26, 2008 @2:14:24 PM
Fine lookin' pile-o-banjos!
RWJonesy Says:
Monday, January 26, 2009 @3:40:00 PM
Nice collection ! Say J, whats that banjo on the far right with the spun rim? A beauty for sure.
J-Walk Says:
Monday, January 26, 2009 @4:01:32 PM
Rob, that banjo on the far right is a no-name 1890's, refurbished by Tim "Save the Banjos" Smith. I know nothing about it's history (I assume the neck came from a difernt banj). It's in great shape, and I paid about $300 for it from a BHO classified. Strung up with nylon strings and skin head. Nice and plunky sounding, but very quite. I've been meaning to put a higher bridge on it.
RWJonesy Says:
Thursday, November 5, 2009 @1:09:53 AM
J, you have aquired a couple of really nice banjos since this shot. Are you going to take a new family portrait?
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