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jbalch |
3 comments on “Untitled Photo”
pastorharry Says:
Sunday, April 20, 2008 @6:00:42 PM
John, that is too cool! I love the sound Mike Seeger gets from his double drone, can't wait to hear you play it. Aloha, PH
jbalch Says:
Monday, April 21, 2008 @5:14:00 AM
I wish it was mine. But it is not. You will have to go see Dave Ball to hear this one. See you this summer!
FiddlerFaddler Says:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @1:39:53 PM
I have often thought that a second drone would be handy. That would about eliminate the need to re-tune for the key of D, and permit the right hand fingering pattern to remain the same in any key when playing the IV chord. Alas, how would one add a second fifth-string capo? I must ponder that. Maybe spikes for the inner one, and a sliding fifth-string capo for the outer one.
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