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Chesapeake |
In a small cemetery near Fountain, N.C., my cousins Patrick and Nancy kneel behind the headstone of our great-grandfather James Owens. He was one of Jefferson Davis's personal bodyguards during the late Wah of Nawthern Aggression. They gave him his discharge at Greensboro, N.C. in April 1864 during a layover there after they'd evacuated Richmond. Great-Granddad walked all the way back home, dodging Yankees and Home Guard - who tended to shoot before asking questions. Just like in the movie "Cold Mountain," only walking in the opposite direction Then almost got his head blown off by Great-Grandma, who didn't recognize him when he showed up at the door all dirty and half-starved. (Btw, check out Patrick's tee shirt. The boy is a mean banjo picker, and not too bad on guitar and fiddle either. A couple of samples are on my music page.)
2 comments on “A Confederate grave”
mainejohn Says:
Saturday, September 6, 2008 @5:17:53 PM
I had ancestors that fought for the north, but have tremendous respect for those that fought on both sides. I think of that war often, and the early death of 600,000 young men that gave their lives.
Chesapeake Says:
Sunday, September 7, 2008 @5:25:40 AM
Amen to that.
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