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mrussell |
laojim Says:
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @5:52:56 PM
Might I ask what the purpose of the scoop is? Granted that one rarely plays up that high, but why is it better not to have the frets?
mrussell Says:
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @6:14:59 PM
Hey Jim,
The scoop allows me to keep the action very low over the frets while still being able to play CH style comfortably over that part of the neck. Many builders call it a "frailing scoop."
In my case, I tend to thump the head quite a bit because of my low action. With the scoop, I can move my frailing out over the neck and stop thumping so much.
Didn't loose much since I don't really play much over the 10th fret.
Have a great day,
bsa Says:
Friday, January 30, 2009 @2:52:36 PM
Playing over a scoop also gives the banjo a sort of nice "clip clop" sound.
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