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Posted 7/17/2014 1:16:08 PM

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4 comments on “Untitled Photo”

Carl Brownfield Says:
Thursday, July 17, 2014 @2:35:39 PM

Yes, these are the cam tuners that I put together on Walt's workbench in his garage. Lol Boy does this bring back some memories.
I put the tuners together from parts bins and packaged them in little cello bags and put 2 to a box. I didn't work for Walt very long - maybe 3 or 4 months on Saturdays and a couple of Sundays and then I got a better paying job so had to quit. Walt had a really bad back and neck problems from being a heavy equipment operator.
He also did some luthier work for Earl - I remember getting to play his old Granada a little, while Walt was fixing the inlay's - there were a number of missing pieces in the hearts and flowers. This was when Earl and Louise were in the LA area - recording the first tracks for the Beverly Hillbillies. They stayed at Walt's house in El Monte Calif while they were in town.
I am the program director of a small FM radio station in west central Nevada now and we play lots of acoustic music - Bluegrass, Folk, ect. I do a live 2 hour show every Friday 5 to 7pm "pacific time" you can log on and check it out - Radio Goldfield, Goldfield Nevada.
I hope I have helped you in some way and I look for any response you may have. Carl Brownfield

Jonny5 Says:
Monday, July 28, 2014 @8:20:06 PM

Really cool info. Thanks for sharing…both of you. I'll check out the tunes on kgfn Carl. And Craig I miss your DJ work from 'Fire On The Mountian' radio show on CKUA. It's still going strong with Steve Fisher. Your 'live' picking during fund raising shows was stellar.

Carl Brownfield Says:
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 @8:54:00 AM

Thanks Jonny5, let me know how you like the station and my show and if you have any music you would like to share and have me play - My e-mail address is
Thanks, Carl

CraigK Says:
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 @9:11:43 AM

Thanks Jonny5. I had a ton of fun doing the show on CKUA. Thanks for the nice note, it means a lot.

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