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JLouis Thiry |
2 comments on “Untitled Photo”
tymburrs Says:
Monday, October 1, 2012 @12:46:49 PM
C'est un placard tres different en France, je pense. Merci, Jean-louis. Est-il possible d'acheter? Je l'aime. Be fun to have here in my shop in Manhattan Beach, California. I'd pay or... swap quel-que chose ne' to my neck of the woods comme la meme s'il vous desirez? A bientot, Michael
JLouis Thiry Says:
Saturday, November 24, 2012 @2:23:37 PM
Thank you Michael ! I'll be pleased to send you a couple of "placards". Send me some or no thing in exchange, but at least a photo of the posters in situation in your shop. Thanks for the comments.
Where do I send the "placards ?
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The Banjo Hangout myHangout photo albums were created to allow members to post photos which 1) they own the copyrights to, or 2) which are non-copyrighted. Please respect others by not posting their copyrighted images. Photos posted in violation of this notice may be removed by the webmaster without prior notice, and may result in a locking of your myHangout account. Read complete copyright policy.