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BigWhisnantFan |
2 comments on “Album cover of Johnnie at age 52”
bulland Says:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 @5:06:41 PM
Christopher, I was there when that album was recorded. I had stopped by the house and found myself in a recording session. I was there for over 4 hours while they taped the songs on a 7" reel to reel recorder. As I recall, the muscians were Don Mulkey on bass, Leroy Mumma (sp?) on fiddle, Charlie Taylor on mandolin and of course June on guitar and Johnnie playing the banjo. There was a sound engineer working the recorder but it was not a sound studio for sure. Nevertheless the album came out very well I thought. Borge
BigWhisnantFan Says:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 @5:47:25 PM
Borge, It's a real pleasure to chat with you. I used to take lessons in the same room. Loved that big old farmhouse. I used to get curious when Johnnie would step out during our lessons. I would get down on the floor and I could see light coming up from the basement. I could just barely make it out, but looked like a workshop of some sort. There was always music being played in the next room. These years of lessons at Johnnie's house were the greatest. So, now I know someone else who has one of Johnnie's AA banjos! Cool...My dad has the eagle that Al Jones had. Ralph Stanley took this banjo to Japan on is tour in 1971. As you can tell, my whole site is basically dedicated to Whisnant. I can play Maple Leaf Rag, and Yes Sir That's My Baby pretty well. I learned them off his album when I was just a boy. I'll be we could share for hours as I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to hang with alot of the greats. Ralph Stanley, keith Whitley, Curly Ray Cline, Tony Rice, Ben Eldridge, Dave Aldridge, Little Roy, John Davis, and the list goes on and on. You see, my dad was good friends with a fellow named Buddy Omarro. We used to go to Indean Springs Campground in Maryland in the early 70's. I would simply jam in the fields and behind the stage with these guys. I always attracted their attention because I was playing Johnnie's eagle banjo. Love that banjo! I wanted to tell you how cool your cheaters are on your banjo. My dad also bought another banjo Johnnie made. Dad bought a Gibson from Steve Spence, who played with "The Grass Reflection" in Northern VA. This banjo has the same cheaters on it. We may have the only 2 banjos with Johnnie's original cheaters. Very rare, I assume. Well, I'm sure we will talk much more and share stories. Great to hear from you.
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