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4 comments on “Untitled Photo”
dgill Says:
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @1:21:51 PM
Dang Dave, thats not a picture, thats a portrait. That needs to go on your wall in a large size if it is not already.
hum Says:
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @3:39:08 PM
he he! The guy who took the pic has a real flair for composition - James Bryantphotography.
BanjoFlyboy Says:
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 @6:40:21 PM
Great photo Dave! Since I don't live too far from the Jack Daniels' distillery, thanks for the advertisement. With this economy we need all the help we can get!
VancePants Says:
Friday, August 10, 2012 @6:40:28 AM
Reminds me a bit of ol' Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson... 'cept with a banjer (versus a flute)... very cool indeed.
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The Banjo Hangout myHangout photo albums were created to allow members to post photos which 1) they own the copyrights to, or 2) which are non-copyrighted. Please respect others by not posting their copyrighted images. Photos posted in violation of this notice may be removed by the webmaster without prior notice, and may result in a locking of your myHangout account. Read complete copyright policy.
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