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banjocollector |
Hello banjo friends,
I have been a hangout member for some years, but have never written a Blog ! So here goes.
Born in the UK and recently moved full time to rural France where my late wife and I have a holiday home.for some 18 years. It is tranquil, green countryside, animals, wonderful lifestyle - I just adore it.
As a teenager the trad jazz revival was in full swing and I fell in love with the sound of the 4 string banjo - got nothing against 5 string, but 4 strings are enough for me!
I have been fortunate enough to acquire 2 collections over the years, both mainly purchased from known dealers in the States. The first collection of 20 high end banjos I sold and they ended up with Akira in Japan. (how I wish I still had them)
On retirement I started buying again and a collection of about 40 has now been reduced to 20. I am nearly 74 years old and it is necessary to thin some more. A very hard decision but one that has to be addressed as I want them to go where they will be cared for,and also not leave the kids with the problem of disposal. My policy for this second collection was always to 'buy the best and sell the rest'. Now I only have banjos I really want to keep!
Over the last few years I have sadly neglected my website but the 'banjo' page has a full and up to date list of the banjos I have, albeit quite a few as yet without photos. I will be happy to hear from anyone though the website or hangout messaging.
Cheers, Derek
6th December 2018
Now starting to use Instagram - banjocollector (private account} and also - tomorrows antiques today - for many items I have collected over the years. Thank you and seasons greetings - happy holidays Derek
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AndrewD replied to topic 'What is Tagging' 13 hrs
Billybilt Banjo posted a classified ad '1890's 5 string Zither Banjo Pot..Shipping included' 2 days
AndrewD replied to topic 'Travel banjo' 3 days
clancyc1 posted a forum topic '1-Piece Nickle Plated Flange' 4 days
clancyc1 posted a classified ad '1-Piece Flange' 4 days
jims38134 replied to topic 'bridge for 1926 B & D SilverBell #1 tenor banjo' 4 days
AndrewD replied to topic 'Tariff Effect—Canadian Banjos, Cases, Parts…' 5 days
csacwp posted a forum topic 'Still looking to trade Whyte Laydie for SS Stewart' 5 days
desert rose replied to topic 'Assembled Banjo Parts and Logos' 6 days
desert rose replied to topic 'Let's Get Correct Info on D-Tuners' 6 days
clancyc1 replied to topic 'No-Hole Flathead Tone Rings' 7 days
desert rose replied to topic 'The metallurgy of RK 80 tone rings ' 7 days
csacwp posted a forum topic 'Wanted: Hartel Banjo' 8 days
csacwp posted a classified ad 'Hartel Minstrel Banjo' 8 days
csacwp replied to topic 'Why Care that Deering is American-Made?' 9 days
Playing Since: 1976
Experience Level: Novice
[Jamming] [Socializing] [Helping]
Occupation: retired
Gender: Male
Age: 80
My Instruments:
Clifford Essex Paragon
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
KIng Oliver Bix, Firehouse Five
Eddie Peabody, Buddy Wachter, Tyler Jackson, Sean Moyses
Classified Rating: (+5)
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 4/4/2008
Last Visit 10/2/2022
During the 1970's I collected both tenor and plectrum banjos, and used to take lessons between catering to the needs of the family and hard work! - The collection I had built up got sold in the 1990's and I am now retired and have started to buy again, but on a very much reduced budget! My musical ability is not great but I enjoy what I do, and take pride and care of my instruments