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Topper |
Topper has 1 friend.
Lew H |
Lew H replied to topic 'New build pictures' 10 hrs
Lew H replied to topic 'James McKinney and Bluesy Banjo' 3 days
Lew H replied to topic 'Anyone have any experience using “transparent cellophane tape” on fingernai' 6 days
Lew H replied to topic '1930s long neck on UK eBay?' 29 days
Lew H replied to topic '1930s long neck on UK eBay?' 33 days
Lew H replied to topic 'Salvation Army find?' 59 days
Lew H replied to topic 'Which configuration do you prefer?' 80 days
Age: 64
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Created 10/29/2005
Last Visit 8/7/2023