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cjwit - Posted - 09/07/2024: 17:35:28
Hi everyone,
(Sorry for the cross post with the "other playing styles" forum! If that's bad form, let me know and I'll take one down.)
This is something of an "in progress" set of pieces, little things that grew out of time spent playing on the porch over the summer: Short Pieces for Solo Banjo on Bandcamp. Mostly, I'm sharing them here in case folks have thoughts, suggestions, or maybe a few even dig 'em. I plan on reworking, re-recording, and replacing these every once in a while, while also adding more. (My microphone started acting up while I was getting better versions of some of these.) If you're into consistency and preservation, please download the version you like.
I have rough tablature from earlier versions of "Hearts and Flowers" and "Now These Days" that I will make available as bonus PDFs. "Purchase" the album (for $0 or more) to get access. If there's interest, then I'd be happy to take the time to flesh out the rest of them.
Thanks for listening!
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