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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Recommendation for wireless headphone mic?

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mike gregory - Posted - 08/10/2024:  02:49:51

I think I'd like to have a wireless microphone for our vocals, and floor stand mics for our banjos.

Got plenty of floor stand mics.

Anybody got a recommendation for a headphone mic?

banjered - Posted - 08/10/2024:  07:36:08

Yeah, don't do it. Too much microwave radiation exposure! banjered

mike gregory - Posted - 08/10/2024:  09:09:53

You may be right.

PLUS: With a mic attached to your head, you can't whisper aside to your partner

"This audience is a
[EXPLETIVE DELETED]!"  and not have it boom out into the room.

Culloden - Posted - 08/10/2024:  11:37:28


Originally posted by mike gregory

You may be right.

PLUS: With a mic attached to your head, you can't whisper aside to your partner

"This audience is a
[EXPLETIVE DELETED]!"  and not have it boom out into the room.

Funny you mentioned that, Mike. We played a show in Reidsville NC one time and an audience member, who was obviously intoxicated, yelled for us to play "Elvira."

Our fiddle player turned to me and said in a low voice, "What a f---ing idiot." Trouble was, his microphone picked up what he said and everyone in the audience heard it.

Not our finest hour.

banjered - Posted - 08/10/2024:  14:19:13

Yeah there is a tune called the Bob Tailed mule but it is also called the Bucking Dun. I'll let your imagination go as to how that might be "mis-pronounced.".... banjered

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