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TScottHilton - Posted - 06/19/2024:  15:04:57

Looks as though we finally have an update on the newly taken over Ome banjos :

dfstd - Posted - 06/19/2024:  15:40:22

Wow, that's really interesting. Thanks for posting a link to this video.

Omeboy - Posted - 06/19/2024:  16:12:58

I'm so glad these great and beautiful instruments are going to be continued in the tradition that Chuck started.
I can't imagine a better outcome.

Comtngal - Posted - 06/19/2024:  16:46:00

They’ve got some Boulder built banjos up for sale too- Gold Hill Series. Gorgeous!

Edited by - Comtngal on 06/19/2024 16:46:48

KCJones - Posted - 06/19/2024:  17:32:42

This is great news! And a bluegrass model in the works, too. Imagine a Twanger with the fit and finish of a hand built USA product.

The banjo world is seeing a lot of action lately it seems.

lazlototh - Posted - 06/20/2024:  04:46:22

Great News! Great People at GT!

paulhealey - Posted - 06/20/2024:  04:51:02

I wonder if any of the former Boulder employees made the move to Florida?

Bob Buckingham - Posted - 06/20/2024:  05:34:20

There were only like two or three from my understanding and I doubt it.

Sunrise Lee - Posted - 06/20/2024:  07:22:40

I'm hoping that they bring back the Juggernaut. I have always had a thing for those banjos. It would be cool to get to pick some options on one.

B19 - Posted - 06/20/2024:  08:46:19

I heard they were planning on making the Ikon again - that is an interesting one to add to the GT lineup. Will be interested to see how much they leverage from their Bela model when alls said and done. Seems they will be priced similarly, and if it's anything like the old Ikon it would be a no brainer choice in my book.

B19 - Posted - 06/20/2024:  08:51:32

On further review, the Ikon is significantly more expensive on the site posted above, actually at or above what the Ikon was going for at Ome even?

Must have confused it with another model. Sorry if I got anyone excited, but will be interested to see if it can compete with the Boulder product at the price.

ceemonster - Posted - 06/20/2024:  08:57:45

Is this content not written and readable anywhere? Or does one have to spend five times the needed time on another intelligence-insulting session of promo chatter in front of an Idiot Screen?

I see the website has an endless vertical scroll-down of written PR about the Ogsbury history, and then at the very bottom it says, "In this video Wayne answers all your questions about Ome banjos and . . . ".

Call me when it's all in writing.  Thank you for the link to the written material about available banjos, that's interesting.

Edited by - ceemonster on 06/20/2024 08:59:44

Silver_Falls - Posted - 06/21/2024:  12:41:49


Originally posted by ceemonster

Is this content not written and readable anywhere? Or does one have to spend five times the needed time on another intelligence-insulting session of promo chatter in front of an Idiot Screen?



Welcome to the 21st century my friend

Old Hickory - Posted - 06/21/2024:  13:21:32


Originally posted by ceemonster

Is this content not written and readable anywhere? Or does one have to spend five times the needed time on another intelligence-insulting session of promo chatter in front of an Idiot Screen?

Not understanding your issue.

The initial linked video is Wayne talking about the specific plans, including the one-off floor-sweep banjos they're going to be building from ready-to-use parts in Boulder's inventory obtained in the purchase. Someone has shared a link to a page of banjos that appear to be available now -- to the extent they have pictures, videos, specs, and prices. I haven't looked at each, I'll admit.

Wayne talks about how they built the shop, how they're going to be dividing and combining capabilities between Gold Tone and Ome for efficiency, and how they expect to produce many more Ome banjos per day and year than Ome ever did. This is all more than I recall any other banjo maker, US or Asian, telling us about their plans and operations. Maybe Deering has shared a lot, but this seems different.

What is it you want to see in writing? What do you want to know that isn't revealed yet that the public has any right to know from a privately held company? What does Gold Tone owe any of us?

And where exactly is the "intelligence shattering session of promo chatter in front of an idiot screen"? Are you referring to Wayne in the shop? Certainly not the guy demoing the Ikon.

I'm not arguing. Really I'm not. And I have no skin in this game. I'm just trying to understand the motivation for your pejorative-laden post.

DerekGoodman - Posted - 06/21/2024:  14:06:12


Originally posted by ceemonster

Is this content not written and readable anywhere? Or does one have to spend five times the needed time on another intelligence-insulting session of promo chatter in front of an Idiot Screen?

I see the website has an endless vertical scroll-down of written PR about the Ogsbury history, and then at the very bottom it says, "In this video Wayne answers all your questions about Ome banjos and . . . ".

Call me when it's all in writing.  Thank you for the link to the written material about available banjos, that's interesting.

By "idiot screen" do you mean a computer screen?

Do you want somone to print out the press release for you and put it in the mail?

Did you post your last 2000+ comments on here in writing...?

What even is this rant....

ceemonster - Posted - 06/21/2024:  14:33:29


Originally posted by Old Hickory


Originally posted by ceemonster

Is this content not written and readable anywhere? Or does one have to spend five times the needed time on another intelligence-insulting session of promo chatter in front of an Idiot Screen?


My post wasn't directed at the OP of this thread.   It was directed at the representation by this company of sitting and watching someone talk on a video screen as "answers to all your questions."  It was also probably exuding generalized frustration at the idiotification of the culture at large, as represented by the alarming trend in which we are being asked to consider the experience of watching someone yap on a screen as information.   Study after study has shown that we are more able to think, analyze and question written material as opposed to the passive experience of watching a talking head.     But it's everywhere now.  It is now so pervasive that no one notices or questions it.

The initial linked video is Wayne talking about the specific plans, including the one-off floor-sweep banjos they're going to be building from ready-to-use parts in Boulder's inventory obtained in the purchase. Someone has shared a link to a page of banjos that appear to be available now -- to the extent they have pictures, videos, specs, and prices. I haven't looked at each, I'll admit.

Wayne talks about how they built the shop, how they're going to be dividing and combining capabilities between Gold Tone and Ome for efficiency, and how they expect to produce many more Ome banjos per day and year than Ome ever did. This is all more than I recall any other banjo maker, US or Asian, telling us about their plans and operations. Maybe Deering has shared a lot, but this seems different.

What is it you want to see in writing? What do you want to know that isn't revealed yet that the public has any right to know from a privately held company? What does Gold Tone owe any of us?

And where exactly is the "intelligence shattering session of promo chatter in front of an idiot screen"? Are you referring to Wayne in the shop? Certainly not the guy demoing the Ikon.

I'm not arguing. Really I'm not. And I have no skin in this game. I'm just trying to understand the motivation for your pejorative-laden post.


Edited by - ceemonster on 06/21/2024 14:36:58

ceemonster - Posted - 06/21/2024:  14:36:17


Originally posted by DerekGoodman


Originally posted by ceemonster

Is this content not written and readable anywhere? Or does one have to spend five times the needed time on another intelligence-insulting session of promo chatter in front of an Idiot Screen?

I see the website has an endless vertical scroll-down of written PR about the Ogsbury history, and then at the very bottom it says, "In this video Wayne answers all your questions about Ome banjos and . . . ".

Call me when it's all in writing.  Thank you for the link to the written material about available banjos, that's interesting.

By "idiot screen" do you mean a computer screen?

Do you want somone to print out the press release for you and put it in the mail?

Did you post your last 2000+ comments on here in writing...?

What even is this rant....


I am truly overcome by your courteous manner of expressing and addressing other posters who may not think like you.   Where can someone gain such impeccable manners, I wonder.    Wait--please, don't tell me.  I really do not wish to know.

Old Hickory - Posted - 06/21/2024:  17:18:16


Originally posted by ceemonster

My post wasn't directed at the OP of this thread.   It was directed at the representation by this company of sitting and watching someone talk on a video screen as "answers to all your questions."  It was also probably exuding generalized frustration at the idiotification of the culture at large, as represented by the alarming trend in which we are being asked to consider the experience of watching someone yap on a screen as information.  


I didn't take your comment as directed at the OP. I just wasn't sure it was really a criticism of Wayne's video, mostly because I did not see how it deserved the specific criticism leveled at it.

Of course Wayne may not provides "answers to all your questions." I'll grant them that bit of PR puffery.

But what Wayne offers is clearly information. It's a first-hand account of the purchase of Ome by Gold Tone, a description of the transition activities that have taken place, a summary of future plans, a statement of hopes and expectations (such as the high volume of Ome instruments they intend to build and the possibility of there being other made-in-USA instruments), and as I mentioned before the news that they'll be building a number of one-of-a-kind banjos from the Ome parts included in the acquisition. All of this spoken by the guy who's in charge, who made the decisions, and is leading the effort.

How is that not "information" just because it's a guy speaking in a video and not written down? You want written? Go to YouTube and bring up the transcript.

What people can or cannot do with audio-visual vs written content has absolutely nothing to do with whether a person talking in a video constitutes information. It does. And I can probably find study-after-study showing that an honest video demonstration of something makes its point more powerfully and effectively than a written description.

I worked nearly all of my 44-year editorial career in corporate and marketing communications. Some of the projects I wrote or produced were videos, films, radio commercials, or other AV presentations with narrations. In my professional opinion, the content of Wayne's video presentation is information. There is no valid reason to suggest otherwise.

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