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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Inexpensive Active Pickup for IEM Only

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glldds - Posted - 04/14/2024:  08:49:21

I only play with friends and at open jams. Because have some hearing loss, I often have great difficulty hearing myself when we are with large group jams, usually indoors.

I think that a simple active pickup placed somewhere on my banjo and a wired earpiece would allow me to at least hear myself.

Does this make sense? If so, what would be a good active pickup to use. I really don’t want to pay over $200 for something like a classic Fishman when all I want is to hear if I’m in tune and in sync with everyone.

I’m posting this also in the Repair / Luthier Forum.

Thanks in advance.

Texasbanjo - Posted - 04/14/2024:  11:07:53

Duplicate post. Go here:


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Edited by - Texasbanjo on 04/14/2024 11:09:09

Old Hickory - Posted - 04/14/2024:  11:51:31

Probably this one should be saved, since it's about live sound electronics, and the duplicate in set-up should be turned off.

Edited by - Old Hickory on 04/14/2024 11:51:51

Helix - Posted - 04/18/2024:  06:49:13

Sherry, my opinion is that the OP has a valid need that could help thousands of people who jam with limitations.

We had a totally deaf professional from the State of  Arizona who volunteered with us at Fiddler's Dream for years, she caught the vibes from the countertop

My career was developing appropriate gainful employment for challenged adults. Innovation is a fertile field. Meeting individual requirements was some of the most fun whether I was up in a Chevrolet in the junk yard for horn relays or on the job with a hearing challenged customer service rep doing reservations for airport transport. That person had their own headset that was theirs alone as a small gift from the State and wasn't used by other people. Another project was lowering the time clock.

So.....a personal digital amplifier seems just like the real thing and allows you to set the volume and tone quality for you.

Gold Tone has as internal microphone from "down the street, or up your alley. We'll see what the tronics tell ya.  is an open box return mike and box, they have two of them

Thank you again Old Hickory for your considered perspective.

Charlie Poole knew a disabled person with only one tooth, yet he learned to play the bass drum better than anybody. 


Please let's find a way to help the OP and many others, Win, win, win.  

Edited by - Helix on 04/18/2024 07:04:09

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