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JanetB - Posted - 08/04/2018: 19:30:24
I was asked by a BHO member why he no longer received notifications of new TOTWs when they’re posted. He said in the past he had been notified. I’ve never heard of this, so if you could explain whether there is an automatic procedure I’d appreciate it. Perhaps this is just something the previous TOTW coordinator did as a courtesy.
janolov - Posted - 08/04/2018: 22:59:13
I also remember those notifications.I think they were connected to a subscription to the old thread Index to Tune/Song of the Week by vrteach , and each time vrteach updated the list we got a notification. I remember the notifications usually were late so the notifications were not connected to the posting of a TOTW.
It should be possible to get notifications even now by subscribing to the new TOTW Complete List by JanetB . I have just subscribed on that and I will see if it works when Janet update the list next time.
Edited by - janolov on 08/04/2018 23:07:07
janolov - Posted - 08/05/2018: 06:20:41
During the afternoon nap I recalled that there were also a group: Tune Of The Week Announce. I think group members get a notification when there is a new post in the group. I think it was vrteach who usually made the actions, but I think any group member can link the thread to the group.
I will try to link this discussion to the group and see what happens. If it works the TOTW coordinator, or any other, can make the link with a simple click.
Edit: I just tried. It came up as a post in the group but I have not got any notification by email.
Edited by - janolov on 08/05/2018 06:38:40
janolov - Posted - 08/05/2018: 07:08:29
I made some further research on the Group functions, and I think only the group owner have the authority to email the group members. So I think we have to create a new TOTW Announcements Group (are you ready Janet?) and all who want a notification must become a member of the group. Then the group owner can make an announcement every Friday or Saturday when there is a new TOTW posted.
By the way, I saw that there is possible to have several owners in one group (see for example the group Two Finger Pickers), so maybe it is possible to work out some split responsibility.
JanetB - Posted - 08/05/2018: 07:27:45
Thanks, Jan. Linking to the TOTW list sounds easy. I’d just have to do the update sooner than I’ve been doing it, but that’s okay. There are a few steps, as I also add to a spreadsheet (which I don’t know how to post) and add the tune, tab, and MP3 to my own site. Sometimes I have a video, which then needs converting to an MP3. But I can definitely do these things Friday or Saturday and subscribers will get the notice. I’ll do it all today and see if you get the notice soon.
JanetB - Posted - 08/05/2018: 08:09:58
Okay, Jan, I now have updated the TOTW list, so if interested people subscribe to this they should get a notice via email of a new posting. I can make an announcement with this as a separate thread and think it's a simple and good solution without creating a group and going through other steps every week. What do you think?
Stevo-msla - Posted - 08/05/2018: 12:32:06
Thanks Janet! I received an email notification this morning from you addressing my problem in receiving TOTW Announcements. And the enclosed link brought me to the group forem. So, looks like my connection to the group is restored.
Many thanks, too, to your spreadsheet with links to TOTW posts since 2008. Wow, so impressive and generous!
I remain confused why the forem post shown previous to yours today, is from 2/23 Yellow Cat. I have found more recent posts through the search function of Banjo Hangout. So, not a problem.
I greatly enjoy TOTW, especially all of the background presented, and appreciate the efforts and enthusiasm shown by presenters.
Thanks everyone, Steve
janolov - Posted - 08/05/2018: 22:32:46
Originally posted by JanetBThanks, Jan. Linking to the TOTW list sounds easy. I’d just have to do the update sooner than I’ve been doing it, but that’s okay. There are a few steps, as I also add to a spreadsheet (which I don’t know how to post) and add the tune, tab, and MP3 to my own site. Sometimes I have a video, which then needs converting to an MP3. But I can definitely do these things Friday or Saturday and subscribers will get the notice. I’ll do it all today and see if you get the notice soon.
Well, I have subscribed but I haven't got any notification yet. Perhaps you must add a new post; perhaps editing do not count.
JanetB - Posted - 08/05/2018: 22:46:12
I’ll try posting something and see if you get the notification.
janolov - Posted - 08/05/2018: 23:04:47
Originally posted by JanetBI’ll try posting something and see if you get the notification.
Yes, now I got a notification.
JanetB - Posted - 08/05/2018: 23:08:27
I’ll post a link each week. Thanks, Jan.
Edited by - JanetB on 08/05/2018 23:09:31