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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Eric started a new discussion in Sound Off! : recording techniques

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doug.knecht - Posted - 02/09/2011:  20:27:05

Hey all,

Eric has started a new title on his Sound Off! forum, including discussion for recording techniques. This ranges between what software you have, any gear, mics, and even troubleshooting. Hopefully I'll try to set up a contest whose winner will be based on votes from Banjo Hangout members. No prizes, but a lot of fun. We could have a 2 round contest, let the people vote, and declare a winner based on originality, tonality, and taste. Just an idea.

If anyone has other ideas, post 'em here! I came up with the idea, and will need help organizing such a contest. But in the meantime, discuss your Pro Audio techniques here!!

tom elder - Posted - 02/09/2011:  21:02:45

I''ll jump in until the pro's get here doug.I've been what is known as a recording musician for years but really never had the bucks for much equipment.For here i don't go for perfect no punching in ,no fine tuned reverb or other invisible effects.Just 100 to 200 dollar mics, a tascam stand alone digital 8 track,it is capable of mastering with me riding the faders but i just get it recorded to suit me in realtime.
When i do a vid i come out of it with a line connecting with the path to the camera also i have a line going to my monitors.This takes care of the backup .I have a one microphone preamp for trancducer pickup that works well giving me control of my mike going to the camera from the banjo.The cam has a mic input but alas these 2 signals are what is known as line level and that was way too hot for a mic jack,a man on here told me where to get a buffer chord for that.I have learned to start my recordings with the drum machine from first punch it is done with a simple midi trick,the big boys call this a click track i think.When i do my vids i have the machine going but you are spared that.I have not seen a need for compression since digital came out ,in this respect it is a lot more forgivihg than analog.I watch the meters and try to get it hot as possble without getting in the red Anyway thats how i am set-up Tom

doug.knecht - Posted - 02/09/2011:  21:05:47

Originally posted by tom elder

I''ll jump in until the pro's get here doug.I've been what is known as a recording musician for years but really never had the bucks for much equipment.For here i don't go for perfect no punching in ,no fine tuned reverb or other invisible effects.Just 100 to 200 dollar mics, a tascam stand alone digital 8 track,it is capable of mastering with me riding the faders but i just get it recorded to suit me in realtime.
When i do a vid i come out of it with a line connecting with the path to the camera also i have a line going to my monitors.This takes care of the backup .I have a one microphone preamp for trancducer pickup that works well giving me control of my mike going to the camera from the banjo.The cam has a mic input but alas these 2 signals are what is known as line level and that was way too hot for a mic jack,a man on here told me where to get a buffer chord for that.I have learned to start my recordings with the drum machine from first punch it is done with a simple midi trick,the big boys call this a click track i think.When i do my vids i have the machine going but you are spared that.I have not seen a need for compression since digital came out ,in this respect it is a lot more forgivihg than analog.I watch the meters and try to get it hot as possble without getting in the red Anyway thats how i am set-up Tom

That's awesome, Tom. There's alot going on to hook that all up and know how to interface them together. And you can get excellent sound that way, and you have. Very cool.

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