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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: How can I record myself and post

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jblovel - Posted - 02/04/2011:  06:59:12

I have a laptop with windows media player.
Is there a way to record myself with this software so that I can post recordings on BHO?
If so, how do I do it. If not, what do you suggest?

beegee - Posted - 02/04/2011:  07:15:35

You need a microphone, either one that plugs into the jack or a USB or your onboard microphone on your laptop if so equipped.

Then you need a recording program that will save your files as .mp3

I use Audacity(free) to record. You then need a program(also free) that will convert the files to mp3s. There are all kinds of free programs that will do that. Some other programs like Band in a Box may convert for you.

There may be other more sophisticated ways to do this, but this i how I do it.

Then you just click the link on your homepage to +Add Content>MP3 Audio, follow the prompts.

Edited by - beegee on 02/04/2011 07:16:30

JohnGP - Posted - 02/04/2011:  08:47:21

Audacity will save MP3s directly if you install the "lame" encoder. It's pretty straightforward - see Once installed just use file>export and you get a whole range of formats - choose mp3 and you're away.

tomberghan - Posted - 02/05/2011:  14:05:04


If you can invest a couple hundred bucks, then a "Firebox" by Presonus is a great "budget" way to go and is a budget product that will give you fairly "pro" results. You plug your mics into the box and the box into the firewire connection of your laptop. Using Audactity software (freeware) you can make very professional sounding recordings. The Firebox only takes two mics at a time however, but that is perfect for recording yourself on the banjo. Get two decent mics and put them in an "XY pattern" about 8 inches from the banjo. If you are not too tech savy, then find a friend who can help you . . . or, the store-staff
(where you can buy such products) can answer your questions . . . or freinds on the BHO can help (or, I can help).

Or, if all of that sounds waaay too complicated, then get a “Zoom” (brand name) product. They have several great little audio recorders as well as video recorders. They will not however produce the same quality as the above gear . . . but pretty good. Lots of BHO members use them or something similar (some other brand).

When you are done recording, they plug right into your computer and you can upload to your laptop.

Or . . .

And there ARE many other good brands and and products!
Best Wishes,

salvatone - Posted - 02/05/2011:  14:43:05

The most basis way, if you have windows vista or 7 is the the sound recorder. You still need a mic, either on board or external, and I don't think that there is any editing capability, but it does work. Search your programs for it off of the start menu.

Grumpy1 - Posted - 02/06/2011:  23:38:43

You can also buy a small digital recorder for about $65. Sony as well as others make them. You can record straight into their onboard mic or buy a plug in mic from Sony that is stereo for about $15 on Amazon. The recorders come with their own software. You download your recordings to your computer via USB. You can't edit through them but you can get Audacity (free) download and edit them there. Then you export as MP3 as others described above. You'll have lotsa fun with it, Best of luck!

pat omire - Posted - 02/09/2011:  16:17:47

kodak zi6, 60 dollars or so on amazon .Take seconds to take video and down load,very easy.good sound ,here is example

tomberghan - Posted - 02/10/2011:  04:15:52

Originally posted by pat omire

kodak zi6, 60 dollars or so on amazon .Take seconds to take video and down load,very easy.good sound ,here is example

More like 100 dollars new . . . but NOT BAD for 100 bucks! Video is a little choppy but is good enough for the price. The audio is pretty good! I was expecting more distortion. Good one! Thanks.

Edited by - tomberghan on 02/10/2011 04:17:03

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