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Hello, nice to be here.
I'm a drummer (not a musician lol). I have a banjo from a dear friend that passed and I'm looking for parts to complete it. I don't plan on playing it, but I will hang it in my office in his honor. Any idea of the brand of this unit? I'd like to get the parts that are missing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Dave
Originally posted by TexasbanjoLooks like it needs a tailpiece, bridge and some strings.
Hopefully, there will be some luthiers on here who can give you more information than I can.
What am I missing? I see not pictures to know what the banjo is or what it needs.
It's an older "Kay" type 5 string; pictures are here:
needs: 5th string tuner, bridge, tailpiece, strings, and love
Edited by - pinenut on 01/26/2025 10:13:57
Try to get used or repro parts for this specific banjo if you can. Especially to be sure a replacment 5th string tuner is the right diameter to fit the hole already existing in the neck. Hopefully then you just "press" it in by hand.
Show us a close up of the front of the peghead to see if you need a nut with the 4 string slots filed into it -- hopefully it's still there but we just can't see it.
Finally take a close up of the outside of the pot rim at around the 6 o'clock bottom spot, so we can see what kind of anchoring hardware is in place to fasten a new tailpiece too.
If nothing is broken (including the head) you can get a friction 5th string tuner, a very basic tailpice, a simple bridge and a set of strings for around $30. Fairly simple to install these parts.