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I've found the older I get, the less I want to do things like mowing, weeding, planting, cleaning the house, etc. Unfortunately, at the price of a handyman or maid, I just have to keep plugging along on my own.
Got a bunch of leaves that need to be gathered and put in the flowerbeds. Will have to wait until the weather is warmer. Just don't get out in cold weather and do stuff like that anymore.
Ain't it fun growing old?
Al, I trust you'll plan a bit better'n I did.
Put new rotors and pads on our '08 Trailblazer last summer. Split the work over two days, though I suspect "back in the day" it would have taken maybe 3 hours. IIRC, 'twas a bit less than $300 for parts ... brake shops advertise the job for $1000+, so from the $$ perspective I was well-pleased with how "smart" I was.
Alas a month or two later the transmission began acting up so we traded it off.
Originally posted by STUD figmo AlI do most all this kinda stuff..meself..
But..me hands a gettin..painfull..
N..farmin this work out..
Is lookin better n better...
A little depressin tho... :0/
Fig .... I spent five hours out by the road cutting up a huge stump that the FEMA hurricane removal folks failed to pick up when they picked up my hurricane debris from October. It was funny, but they picked up seven or eight other stumps that weighed more than this one. Maybe it just "looked" too big. After cutting about 500 lbs off the top, my goal was to eventually cut it in two, but since my chainsaw only has a 20" bar I was having to attack it in different ways cutting a little at a time. After sharpening my chain 4 times because it was hitting dirt embedded in the stump, I finally gave up and hope I got enough weight off of it for them to come back. I hated every minute of it!
I changed the oil in my Tahoe after a snow a couple of weeks ago, laying on a furniture movers blanket, so my auto stuff is done for a while. I don't do brakes though so guess I'll have to let someone else do that!
Edited by - BanjoLink on 01/26/2025 10:14:18
Oh! Front BRAKES!
I thought you were talking about doing banjo music show-off pieces, a/k/a/"breaks" in FRONT of the band.
Yeah, I figured I'm too old to be crawling under my vehicles for oil changes, and as to BRAKES, well, the Late Great Irene used to say
"A car that won't GO isn't going to hurt anyone, but a car that won't STOP...."
So, I'll pay somebody younger, who has ALL the proper tools, for oil changes and brake jobs.
I don’t have the tools or the knowledge for a lot of stuff . When I need it done I have to pay the expert to have it done. When they needed an MRI done, they came and saw me . Just the way it is and always has been. I have been tackling more things since I retired, but know my limits well. Many a time I’ve tried repairing things myself , only to take it in and have it done again properly. Cash is King !!!
When it comes to my car I need it to always be ready for far away doctor's appointments that can't be missed.
That's why I have a favorite local garage take care of my baby and to honor my 100,000 mi/10 year warranty with only pro work done right.
I of course keep all my receipts...especially Prompto oil changes.
What others said about turning rotors. And if you live in snowy areas with salted roads get coated rotors for sure. I'm anal about doing my brakes.... I always pull, clean, and lube the slide pins, file to clean rust off and lube to ensure the pads/shoes slide in the mounting brackets, lube contact parts between the caliper and pads, and take the car out for a spin and burnish the brake pads once all together. And yeah, all this in cold weather sucks.
i did the fronts on my wifes mazda cx5 but the rears you have to disengage the electric break some how and so i bought the rotors and pads and let my guy do those.
i finally got me an inogen portable respirator (took forever to save up enough to buy one) ..hopefully i can get out this year and do some stuff in the yard....