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Was out doing my usual thing yesterday (ice fishing) and tried a new spot and went out late morning. Caught a few nice keeper eater size and then this bad boy took me for a ride on a tip up that I was using a 10 inch sucker for bait!!!
26.5 “ walleye !!! At dark I packed up and about 200 yards from where I was fishing, my 4-wheeler decides to die. Turns over, but no start!!!
Well, it’s 7:00 at night and about 2.5 miles out and alone. Grab my valuables and call home to let Mrs. Slammer I’ll be late and am ok. Long damn walk in the cold but luckily we don’t have too much snow on da ice. Heading out there now to tow my gear off the lake. Yup, a Great day turned to $hip!!! Could always be worse!!!
Edited by - slammer on 01/17/2025 07:06:32
Grabbed your valuables?!?!? ... grabbed tight, or just "checked" them?
Anyhow, that looks like a good sized one. I'm not a fisherman/woman/person so I "looked it up." Apparently a 28" walleye is a "Master Angler" size in Man-ee-toe-bah. Also from the Dept. of Ignorance ... is a 10" sucker what it sounds like? [I.e. is that considered a minnow on the U.P.?]
You might well have everything back in order by now ..... we expect a full update!!
Just got my 4 wheeler home a couple hours ago. Left it on the lake and luckily nobody messed with it or stole my of my gear. Towed it off the lake with a snowmobile but had a lot of work doing it. The wind switched and was brutal and pushed some of the pressure heaves in the ice up 6-8 ft. in some places. Had to find a better place to cross and break down the heave!!! No fun!!!
Lots of times those big walleyes are fatty. This one looks like one big, long, tasty fillet. Even with all the inconvenience you had, I'm still jealous. Southern Michigan finally got cold enough that we have some good ice. We haven't had much ice fishing in the last couple of years. Sub zero weather coming the first of the week. Should make the ice real thick so the Coast Guard and police can stay safe and warm at their stations.
With below zero temps and a good ice base already, and No snow to speak of, we will be making great ice everywhere!!! Could be one of the best ice conditions in many years!!! Just don’t EVER let your guard down. We had another couple go through yesterday and their side by side is in 35 ft of water right now and a crew has to get it out today in sub zero temps!!!
These were local people that should have known better and had NO right to be where they were. The wife got out and ok and the husband sunk with the machine but got out the window and luckily was able t float up to the surface and his wife pulled him out. How would you like to have to listen to her the rest of your life!!! No thanks, I’d rather drown!!!
I think it’s from bad gas. It started up yesterday even at -20 but runs rough and under a load Peter’s out. It is a 2008 Arctic Cat 700 EFI and only has 1150 miles on it and only used for ice fishing. Probably years of just adding new gas to old, and time for a drain and fresh fuel, filter and plug. Just too damn cold to be working on it this week. Maybe today as we’re having a heatwave in the upper single digits!!!
Edited by - slammer on 01/22/2025 07:48:32
That’s a great question!!! NEVER crossed my mind. Would it be salvage or theft??? When we had our 38 ft motoryacht we were stranded in the middle of Lake Michigan once. After calling the Coast Guard , they would come get us but wanted us to accept salvage for our vessel as they could not tow it due to problems with their 43 ft cutter . Would have been an air lift and salvage my boat. No thank you, we were rescued by a private commercial fisherman!!!