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I recently acquired a 2022 Frank Neat mahogany (RB-3) with a Kevin Shelton tone ring, which Frank now endorse, since Blaylock is not making rings. I will say it’s one great sounding ring. It has the tone I like, a dry but at the same time very rich. It has pop, but not too much sustain, and plenty of volume. Of course Frank’s work is impeccable. Kevin is a member her, plus I’m sure Frank can hook you up with one of the rings if you are interested.
I have to agree on the Shelton tone ring. A few weeks ago I had Frank do some work on a RB75 copy he had made for me back in the early 90's. I knew that Frank had used various tone rings over the years (Ryan, McPeak, Blaylock), but when I asked what rings he was using now, he said 'A gentleman in Florida had gotten the formula from Blaylock '(who had passed away and no longer making rings), and started producing rings that Frank was now using. I asked Frank to put one in my banjo. I could tell a big difference. Louder, without being harsh, little or no overtones. Overall, extremely pleased. I think Kevin got the formula right!