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My landlord just informed me I'll be getting a new neighbor in two months. Two months? That is like forever in little kid time and that is how I always feel about a new kid, like I'm eight years old. Oh boy! Somebody to play with! I wonder if they'll like the things I like?
My enthusiasm defies all logic. While reality has been known on occasion to match my expectations, it has been the exception, not the rule. And still... Oh boy! A new kid to play with!
So what make you fell like a kid again?
Riding my "Batmobile Junior"
and, of course, playing banjo and singing silly kid songs.
Your statement reminds me of a young man I use to work with. He asked the boss for 2 days off. He then explained that his wife is having a baby. The boss said O.K. . 3 days later the lad returned to work. The boss asked if the baby had been delivered. The lad said .." No". The boss said " how long do they predict?" The lad says..... "9 months".
Originally posted by mander
>So what make you fell like a kid again?<
Spontaneity, exploring, trying things out, improvising, learning, and having fun doing that with friends.
Last evening a friend and I spent a few hours outside in his garden in the dark with a propane torch, anvil, hammer, drill, files, improvised pins, silver solder and a long strip of brass. By midnight we had made an accurately fitted tension hoop for a vintage banjo and we had big smiles on our faces.
Was I let loose with a propane torch when I was 7-years old? No, of course not. The connection is that my friend and I had been looking forward all day to doing this together. The time of day (or night) didn't matter. Other people's opinions didn't matter. Nothing else mattered; we were totally absorbed in what we were doing and we figured out how to do it.
The same friend and I are putting together all the tools and equipment we need to start smelting metal. He's constructed a furnace from an old brake drum and a metal stand. I helped him move a huge blacksmith's anvil that he found. I've been scavenging copper and tin for us to use. We're going to make stuff out of stuff.
Nurturing that child-like part of us that thrives on spontaneity, play and friendship makes us curious, interested, happier adults.
Edited by - Pomeroy on 08/06/2024 07:30:55
Reading Aircraft Carrier, J. Bryan III's account of life aboard the carrier USS Yorktown (the second one), as the Pacific fleet moved closer to Japan. I bought the book when I was twelve, and it's still one of the best reads in my library. Written by a writer, it goes from the trivial, to the tense, to the humourous, to the deadly serious, and all things in between.
I worked with kids all my working life, so some kid stuff had to rub off - one way or the other.
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