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I Will

Genre: Popular  Style: Other  Key: C#/Db  Tuning: Double C (gCGCD)  Difficulty: Intermediate
Posted by mmuussiiccaall, updated: 5/17/2015
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Notes: Alison Krauss, Double C tuning capo 1 Tony Furtado


akennelly Says:
Saturday, May 21, 2016 @1:07:03 PM
I am trying to get hold of the tab for the Alison Krauss version of "I Will". Can anyone help? Would really appreciate it.

mmuussiiccaall Says:
Sunday, October 29, 2017 @9:19:42 PM
this is it

Strelnieks Says:
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 @1:53:27 PM
I doubt this is the exact Furtado tab. There are at least two places where the choice of strings/frets is (by my reading) inefficient. I would be very surprised, for example, to learn that it is easier to finger 5 and then 2 on the first string instead of 5 on the first and then 4 on the 4th string. Or 7 on the fourth string instead of open on the third string. Perhaps I am missing something and these really are shortcuts based on some way of holding your hand I do not understand. But I suspect this tab was machine generated based on the notes and not human-generated based on efficient fingerings.

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