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I'll Fly Away

Genre: Old Time  Style: Clawhammer and Old-Time  Key: C  Tuning: Sawmill (gDGCD)  Difficulty: Beginner
Posted by Steelydan, updated: 10/16/2013
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Notes: My attempt at "I'll Fly Away" as played in the movie "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou". This tab is in Sawmill tuning (G Modal). I capo up 2 and play in the key of C (C Modal?) which puts it into the key of D Modal, if that makes any sense. It's a simplified variation of the tab by David Marshall located @ which he tabbed in Double C (Double D with capo). I've also included a link to the "Oh Brother" version in D that can be played along with to get the timing and melody, and added a page 2 for the measure pattern to play and the complete lyrics. I will attach this to the Gospel Lover's group and Beginner Clawhammer group.


Steelydan Says:
Saturday, September 28, 2013 @8:13:01 AM
This tune can be played in double-c if you prefer that low growl sound when you hit the 4th string open C note. I just have trouble transitioning from C chord to D chord at the 2nd fret when in double C, so I just avoid playing the 4th string in sawmill tuning and it sounds ok. I play a lot of double C tunes in Sawmill tuning that way (e.g., Angelina Baker, Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss, etc.)

Steelydan Says:
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 @8:43:25 AM
Modified slightly @ measures 10 and 26 for the D chord. Simpler and requires less hand fingering and sounds better, IMHO

Rileysgirl Says:
Monday, January 28, 2019 @5:57:51 AM
Could you tell me which program you used to create this tab? I've been doing it all by hand, but I know there must be an easier way! Thanks, Joanne

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