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The banjo reviews database is here to help educate people before they purchase an instrument. Of course, this is not meant to be a substitute for playing the instrument yourself!
7198 reviews in the archive.
Let me start out by saying that I am a total rank beginner. I have played many other instruments but not the banjo. I am also retired and on a fixed income. Once I decided that I was going to buy a banjo, I researched the different brands for almost 3 months. I decided that the most innovative and best sounding to my ear, were the Nechville banjoes. However, the price was pretty steep for someone just starting out. Just for researching purposes, yesterday I decided to take a trip to the Nechville shop and talk with them about what I could possibly do and also to see if maybe they had anything used that I could fit into my budget. I was a little worried that being such a newbie and with not a lot of money in my pocket I might be laughed out of the store. Amazingly, just the opposite happened. I was treated as if I was looking to buy the most expensive banjo they ever made. My wife and I spoke first with Jeremiah who explained all the ins and outs of the Nechville line and demonstrated quite a few models for us to determine the sound that I was looking for. Then we were treated to a tour of the actual shop area where they actually make the Nechville line. We were shown step by step how each piece is made and told how that piece fit into the overall making of the instrument and its purpose. Then we began discussing how I could ever possibly afford one of their beautiful banjoes. It was at this point that Jeremiah called Tom on his cell phone as he was not currently in the building. They talked for a while and he explained to Tom my predicament. Jeremiah then came back to me and asked if we could afford a certain figure. After talking it over with my wife, (read begging), we agreed and Jeremiah told us that they would build me a custom built banjo. I even got to pick the parts and type of head, the neck and all the other options. I gave them half down and Tom, who was back in the shop, and Jeremiah said they would have it setup and ready to go on Monday. I walked out of there on cloud nine. Not only had I learned more about the making of a banjo than I had in 3 months, but I now actually will own one of the famous Nechville banjoes. These guys are the best. Customer service like they perform, has unfortunately become a thing of the past, but this group has managed to raise the bar to a new height. My compliments and appreciation go to them all.
Overall Rating: 10
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