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7211 reviews in the archive.

Mutes: Mike's Banjo Mute

Submitted by David Locky on 12/4/2012

Where Purchased: Mike's Mute Online

Overall Comments

Mike's Banjo Mute is the only one I've tried but only because pretty much all of the reviews, on this site, and others, point to this being the best. While I would still consider trying out the Iucci mute I don't imagine that I'll require purchasing anything else; Mike's Banjo Mute works exceptionally well!

As a player of trad music on a tenor banjo, I initially thought that I would have difficulties with the two screws on top. We trad players like low action, i.e., 1/2 bridges in some cases, and play with the hand quite close to the bridge. This is why I would consider trying an Iucci mute, as it slides below the strings. However, apparently the Iucci can eventually scratch your bridge, and most importantly, the screws on Mike's Banjo Mute do not interfere with your playing, although you do know it's there.

It appears to be precision-made and goes on and off easily, and stays put, as well. And of course, it works well! In fact, while the volume is dampened significantly the tone is well-balanced and still identifiable to the specific banjo you are playing; I use it on both of my tenors: Triple-X Model A, Late Version (resonator) and Gold Tone IT-250 White Ladye (open back). It even comes in a nifty little bag.

Why not a 10? Well, it is on the expensive side (not to say it is not worth it), including the fact that you have to pay for shipping -- it is not available commerically to my knowledge. Overall, not an issue and I fully endorse Mike's Banjo Mute!

Overall Rating: 9

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