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The banjo reviews database is here to help educate people before they purchase an instrument. Of course, this is not meant to be a substitute for playing the instrument yourself!
7206 reviews in the archive.
Where Purchased: Bought from Mike in person
I thought I'd pass along that I A/B'd Mike's mute against my Fielding Cutler last night when I got home and had some quiet to really hear the difference. I definitely like Mike's Mute better. I think they both silence the banjo the same amount, but Mike's Mute has a more banjo-like sound. The thing I like the best about Mike's Mute is that I can hear each note more distinctly. With my Fielding Cutler the notes tended to run together which I'd not really noticed until I compared them side-by-side. I may have to retire my FC and get another Mike's Mute.
Thanks for a great product!
Overall Rating: 10
Where Purchased: Acquired in a trade.
I traded an extra Fielding Cutler banjo mute I had to Bill Adams for a Bilt-Rite banjo capo. I must admit to being skeptical that it would be any different from the capo's I'd previously used. However, after trying it out, all I can say is that it works as promised. Its easy to get into position and be ready to play. I was always tweaking with the position of my old capos, but this one just goes right in place, and no tuning is needed.
All the things you've read from Bill Adam's write-ups, and in the numerous reviews here, are correct. It stays in tune and your banjo has more volume and sustain when capo'd. Amazing!!
Overall Rating: 9