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Jane C |
6 comments on “Untitled Photo”
Grumps Says:
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @9:06:56 AM
It's a 'Beaut' 'suppose there's no chance of y'leaving it to me in y'will??
joemac Says:
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @10:42:57 AM
oh yes..are you a photographer?
joemac Says:
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @11:01:39 AM
Hey, do you guys smoke that stuff in the background??
Jane C Says:
Saturday, June 20, 2009 @3:22:28 PM
To you..... a fiver an ounce, if you like Geranium.
Grumps I'm not planning on leaving yet!
martinplayer Says:
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @1:27:15 AM
Geranium: Latin Name Pelargonium graveolens
Aromatherapy Properties: Warming, tonic, balancing. A great oil for the time of menopause and menstruation. Balancing and lifting emotions. Refreshing and uplifting. Also a powerful insect repellent. Just like the banjo!
Thought you would like to know that. Great to see you at Joe's enjoy your new toy.
Jane C Says:
Sunday, June 21, 2009 @3:40:00 PM
It's a good job I know you Bob, some folks might've got a slap for that! : )
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The Banjo Hangout myHangout photo albums were created to allow members to post photos which 1) they own the copyrights to, or 2) which are non-copyrighted. Please respect others by not posting their copyrighted images. Photos posted in violation of this notice may be removed by the webmaster without prior notice, and may result in a locking of your myHangout account. Read complete copyright policy.