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Bill Evans Concerts and Workshops In Oregon & Washington, January 18-20, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 @2:16:23 PM

Hi friends! I'll be heading up I-5 from my California home for three concerts and two workshops in Portland, Oregon & Seattle and Bellingham, Washington this coming weekend. For this year's "Banjo in America" shows, I'll be bringing even more banjos than usual, including a prewar flathead '30 Granada and a '30 flathead style-3 Gibson, a Cole Eclipse and Vega Whyte Laydie #7 from the early 20th century and three Jim Hartel 19th century banjo replicas.. My banjo workshops are topics oriented: "Working Up Fiddle Tunes" and "Up The Neck Back Up." Tab examples will be provided for everything that I teach in both sessions. These are open to all levels past total newbies and it's likely that there will just be a few folks in these sessions, which makes it ideal for lots of one-on-one teaching at these sessions.

These will likely be my only appearances in the Northwest for this year. I hope you'll consider joining me! Here's all of the details:

Friday, January 18: Portland, OR, The Banjo in America at Abbie Weisenbloom's Amazing House Concert series in Inner SE Portland. Potluck at 6:30 p.m., concert at 7:30. Suggested donation is $15-25. Contact Abbie at 503-233-4945 or for info. Reservations recommended as this show often sells out.

This concert will also be broadcast live on Concert Window at 8 p.m. Pacific Time. You can watch from anywhere you have an Internet connection! Click on the Concert Window link to be taken live to Abbie's living room!

Saturday, January 19: Portland, OR, Bluegrass Banjo Workshops at Claire Levine's in NE Portland home. "Working Up Fiddle Tunes" from 10 am to noon and "Up The Neck Bluegrass Backup" from 1 to 3 p.m. $45 each session. Reservations required by emailing to or phone 503-830-3453. Sessions are open to all levels past total newbies.

Saturday, January 19: Seattle, WA House Concert at the home of Carolyn D'Albora in North Ravenna, 8 p.m. concert, doors at 7:30. Suggested donatoin $25. Email or phone 206-245-0875 for reservations and info. Only ten seats remain for this performance.

Sunday, January 20: Bellingham, WA, Nancy's Farm, 2030 E Smith Road, 2 p.m. concert. Suggested donation $18. Contact 360-739-5651 for reservations.

Thanks folks! I'll attach a full description of the Portland workshops to this post for you to check out.

All the best,

Bill Evans

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