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Sonny's Ugly Tuners

Posted by The Hammer on Sunday, August 12, 2007


Has anyone had any experience with Sonny Osborne's Ugly Tuners?  I had a pair of Bill Keith's tuners and didn't care for them.  I have been doing the tuner songs for a long time by doing back-licks on the 3rd and 4th strings.  Just curious to know if anyone had any experience with Sonny's tuners?

11 comments on “Sonny's Ugly Tuners”

CRJones Says:
Sunday, August 12, 2007 @7:33:34 PM

Sonny's tuners are great. He ended up with a pair of that style tuners and found someone to manufacture them for him. Does a great job. Works wonderfuly. You can hear them used by most of the Osborne Brothers later recordings as well as Robby McCoury Uses them. They work well and easily. And they are not that hard to put on either. We use them as we do alot of songs in D

Grizzly Says:
Monday, August 13, 2007 @9:20:56 AM

I just looked at them on Sonny's web site. And they definitely are UGLY! I don't think I could bring myself to replace the Keith Tuners on my Gibson Mastertone. But I have a Gold Tone Dojo that I'm thinking about putting them on. I wish Sonny would get them nickel plated or something. The 'cricket' look doesn't bother me as much as the look of the bare steel does. I don't have any experience with the Ugly ones, but I'm seriously contemplating trying a set of them. I'll let you know if I do.
~ Grizzly

Granada90 Says:
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 @2:22:02 AM

Yes I have! They work great! they're deff ugly! LOL  However I don't have a problem with my Keith's. Bill has told me personally that one can send his tuners back for repair.


lestermatt Says:
Sunday, July 13, 2008 @11:45:53 AM

I dont doubt they work well, most cam tuners do but MY GOD!! you couldnt make em' uglier if you tried geez,Matt

Banjo Stan Says:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @7:07:07 PM

Hey Dave,

I've got two sets of the Uglies.  One on each Chief banjo.  I had Keith D's but found them to be to much trouble setting the stops and retuning.  I now have Keith regular tuners which are awesome.  Sonny's Tuners are ugly, but they work every time.


carteru93 Says:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @8:45:00 AM

Cheat-A-Keys,you won't regret it.

plunka5 Says:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @9:11:00 AM

I agree with Carter on this...the most un-invaisive d-tuners out there!

ess4439 Says:
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @4:24:20 PM

I've had a set on my banjo now for about a year or so now and they are as Sonny says, "they work so well it's pathetic". About the only negative thing about them that I have found was when I first got them and I was relearning some of the tuner tunes and using them a lot I found the b string had a tendency to break where it makes contact with the cam. However, under normal playing that has not been an issue.

Earls 5 Says:
Sunday, December 6, 2009 @2:59:50 PM

try the Apollo tuners, they work better and look better. Cheata-a-keys are ugly and they should be called cheap-a-keys!

the-fish Says:
Friday, February 18, 2011 @10:56:02 AM

Dave- did you ever get a set to try out?

Brad Richard Says:
Sunday, August 12, 2018 @12:39:17 PM

Can u still.get Sonnys ugly tuners??

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