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chip arnold - Posted - 03/27/2007: 20:25:45
We finally figured out how to put music inside of a computer! I just posted a 2-finger version of Julianne Johnson on my BHO page. Check it out.
Play with a plan
Don Borchelt - Posted - 03/27/2007: 21:08:29
Great job, Chip. But nobody can eat just one.
"Well, I know there's a lotta big preachers that know a lot more than I do
But it could be that the good Lord likes a little pickin' too."
- Tom T. Hall, from The Year That Clayton Delaney Died
chip arnold - Posted - 03/27/2007: 22:05:34
Thanks Don. We just recorded a couple more. It's too late and I'm too tired to play well! We'll redo them later.
Play with a plan
maryzcox - Posted - 03/27/2007: 22:38:14
Very pretty, Chip.
Hope to see you again sometime soon.
Mary Z
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)
ponty - Posted - 03/28/2007: 07:37:27
Thats great Chip! When is the Tab coming!?
Sola Scriptura, Sola Christo, Sola Fide
ZEPP - Posted - 03/28/2007: 11:05:35
Neat stuff, Chip--keep posting, please!
* zepp@zeppmusic.com website: http://zeppmusic.com/ Skype us at zeppmusic *
raybob - Posted - 03/28/2007: 11:09:22
Really nice Chip. That pickin' style sounds great. Thanks.
dbrooks - Posted - 03/28/2007: 11:35:38
I think I left a comment for nearly every music file, Chip. I should have thought to just post a single message here.
I really liked the tunes and your playing. Very musical, listenable and danceable (if I knew how to dance).
I'll join the chorus asking you to post more.
chip arnold - Posted - 03/28/2007: 12:40:07
Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. I think some of the tunes are pretty ragged. We'll redo them when we have a little more time.
Play with a plan
tonehead - Posted - 03/28/2007: 13:40:16
I really enjoyed your music. Especially Julianne Johnson.
Be significant.
janolov - Posted - 03/28/2007: 13:50:59
I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to hear more music from you.
Galante_K4 - Posted - 03/28/2007: 14:05:33
Really excellent and enjoyable Chip!
"Admitting to yourself that you have BAS is the first step in recovery."