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maxmax - Posted - 03/26/2007: 17:06:17
I while back someone put up a sound file of them playing a tune called skeleton dance. I remeber really liking the song, but the link wont work now. Does anyone know where I could hear this tune? Played on banjo or not.
And then do you have any tips for playing it? A recomended tuning for example?
J-Walk - Posted - 03/26/2007: 17:40:18
Maxmax, there's a link to an MP3 file here:
And there's some tab here (probably not the same as the MP3):
It's a cool melody.
trapdoor2 - Posted - 03/26/2007: 22:20:57
It is a very cool tune. Not too difficult, usually in "drop C" (gCGbd). There is a TablEdit file here: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/grou...tef%20files/ but it is essentially the same as the .pdf file linked above.
"If banjos needed tone rings, S.S. Stewart would have built 'em that way."
Yopparai - Posted - 03/27/2007: 09:07:33
My thanks too. Picked my way through it last night and its on my list now.
ndlxs - Posted - 03/27/2007: 09:53:54
My tab, on the weasels web site, is from the original music. It should be the same as the Tabledit file. I do have a second banjo part somewhere too if anyone is interested.
There is a classic banjo mailing list in yahoo groups for anyone interested in pursuing classic banjo. There is a wealth of material, much of it still in the original (a notation) sheet music, never tabbed out. Great, great stuff!
Skeleton Dance was on yet another lost Kicking Mule LP; can't remember the name, but it was all classical banjo.
Andy Alexis
Sacramento, California
"The Pearl of the Central Valley"
Buy my CDs:
trapdoor2 - Posted - 03/27/2007: 10:28:41
Most of the Tabledit files on the Yahoo groups "Classic Banjo" site are mine. I have piles of the original sheet music. If you run across a tune that ain't in TAB yet, let me know and I'll put it on my conversion list.
There are a few TAB oriented folks on that list. If you have a request, post it there (or here...in the TAB request section and if I don't have it, I'll ask there). Usually, someone somewhere has a copy.
Hal Allert has been posting a bunch of old stuff on his site http://www.classicbanjo.com but it is in notation. And, of course, there's Bill Talley's "Classic Banjo Jukebox" site which has some great stuff available in notation. http://members.tripod.com/~wtalley/
"If banjos needed tone rings, S.S. Stewart would have built 'em that way."
Yopparai - Posted - 03/27/2007: 10:45:26
Andy, I was wondering about the second banjo part when I opened the pdf. I am interested.
For a good bit, I couldn't find a lot of classical banjo stuff online. Marc has been providing a lot of good information and correcting that lack in my links. Thanks!
SteveK - Posted - 03/27/2007: 11:46:01
Originally posted by ndlxs
Skeleton Dance was on yet another lost Kicking Mule LP; can't remember the name, but it was all classical banjo.
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