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 Playing Advice: Clawhammer and Old-Time Styles

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haiku - Posted - 03/25/2007:  13:51:11

I tried to play over the neck today, in order to cluck.

My banjo is unscooped, with a low action.
So I tried to raise the action by raising the bridge with a "beermate" (a "coaster"?) - talkin' about homemade solutions .
It is just to try anyway, not for the tone!

So, I think I'm catching the cluck:

I need to work a lot to improve this, but I'm happy


banjoskater - Posted - 03/25/2007:  14:20:59

thats pretty cool sounding but Wat the hec is clucking

wormpicker - Posted - 03/25/2007:  14:23:01

Sounds pretty clucking good to me.


Obsession is a great substitute for talent. -Steve Martin

haiku - Posted - 03/25/2007:  14:31:48

Originally posted by banjoskater

thats pretty cool sounding but Wat the hec is clucking

I'll let the good players answer:
Zepp has made a really video explaiing the cluck:


RCCOOK - Posted - 03/25/2007:  14:56:34

Yep that's clucking......Rod

Even the blind squirrel finds an occasional nut, I found a banjo!!!

ZEPP - Posted - 03/26/2007:  09:24:47

Yep--you've got a "cluck" going--listen especially to the third brush in your clip--you can hear the harmonics chiming in*

*That's a pun in English, Haiku!

* website: Skype us at zeppmusic *

BAZ - Posted - 03/26/2007:  11:15:37

That sounds great! Especially on that Deadwood revival song we discussed on a previous post a few weeks ago.

haiku - Posted - 03/26/2007:  12:23:29

Thanks for the kind words!

BAZ: This tune came in naturally for the clucking test, as I think Jason Mogi clucks a lot - and a simple tune.

ZEPP - I'm sorry, I don't catch the pun - stiil talking English as a Spanish cow


ZEPP - Posted - 03/26/2007:  14:24:34

Originally posted by haiku

ZEPP [...] stiil talking English as a Spanish cow

I can but hope that someday my French will be 1/100th as good as your English! Tu écris l'anglais très bien, en fait. Je n'arrive pas du tout d'écrire on français!


* website: Skype us at zeppmusic *

haiku - Posted - 03/26/2007:  14:32:40

Originally posted by ZEPP
I can but hope that someday my French will be 1/100th as good as your English! Tu écris l'anglais très bien, en fait. Je n'arrive pas du tout d'écrire on français!

Pas mal du tout!


Galante_K4 - Posted - 03/26/2007:  22:47:21

Not bad at all!

This is why I love the hangout! Living in pre-internet isolation for so many years, I had never heard the term clucking.

Now I realize I've been CLUCKING all these years and not just clucking around! :-)

"Admitting to yourself that you have BAS is the first step in recovery."

carlliebig - Posted - 03/27/2007:  12:43:05

Man you can cluck and speak French, two of the things that I am working on. The clucking sounds great.

BadBrad - Posted - 03/27/2007:  15:25:02

Do you have to play over the neck to get the cluck? Does it have to have those harmonics to be a cluck?

haiku - Posted - 03/27/2007:  15:32:17

Originally posted by carlliebig

Man you can cluck and speak French, two of the things that I am working on. The clucking sounds great.

Well, I can't take any credit for the French - but still workin on the cluck!
Hey I see you live in St-Etienne! Hope you won't become on ASSE fan, that is something unbearable for someone who lives in Lyon and is an Olympique Lyonnais fan

Originally posted by BadBrad
Do you have to play over the neck to get the cluck? Does it have to have those harmonics to be a cluck?

I still know little about cluckin, but I think you do have to play over the neck: the cluck is the sound of the harmonics produced by playing above the 19th fret.


gdtrfb24 - Posted - 03/27/2007:  20:24:19

sounds good!! so what song is that? i guess i missed the earlier thread. i love deadwood, but since i don't have HBO, i watch the dvd's when they are released.

haiku - Posted - 03/28/2007:  02:32:04

Originally posted by gdtrfb24

sounds good!! so what song is that? i guess i missed the earlier thread. i love deadwood, but since i don't have HBO, i watch the dvd's when they are released.

Well, Deadwood Revival is a band, it's not related to the HBO Tv serie (though I like Hbo's Deadwood too!)
The thread we're talking about was in the "Tablature request" topic, search for "Bound to Go", wich is the song title.


gdtrfb24 - Posted - 03/28/2007:  17:33:35

*lol* that's to funny!!!! thanks for clearing that up. the song sounded familiar and someone mentioned deadwood, so i put the two together.

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