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haiku - Posted - 03/25/2007: 13:51:11
I tried to play over the neck today, in order to cluck.
My banjo is unscooped, with a low action.
So I tried to raise the action by raising the bridge with a "beermate" (a "coaster"?) - talkin' about homemade solutions .
It is just to try anyway, not for the tone!
So, I think I'm catching the cluck:
I need to work a lot to improve this, but I'm happy
wormpicker - Posted - 03/25/2007: 14:23:01
Sounds pretty clucking good to me.
Obsession is a great substitute for talent. -Steve Martin
haiku - Posted - 03/25/2007: 14:31:48
Originally posted by banjoskater
thats pretty cool sounding but Wat the hec is clucking
RCCOOK - Posted - 03/25/2007: 14:56:34
Yep that's clucking......Rod
Even the blind squirrel finds an occasional nut, I found a banjo!!!
ZEPP - Posted - 03/26/2007: 09:24:47
Yep--you've got a "cluck" going--listen especially to the third brush in your clip--you can hear the harmonics chiming in*
*That's a pun in English, Haiku!
* zepp@zeppmusic.com website: http://zeppmusic.com/ Skype us at zeppmusic *
BAZ - Posted - 03/26/2007: 11:15:37
That sounds great! Especially on that Deadwood revival song we discussed on a previous post a few weeks ago.
haiku - Posted - 03/26/2007: 12:23:29
Thanks for the kind words!
BAZ: This tune came in naturally for the clucking test, as I think Jason Mogi clucks a lot - and a simple tune.
ZEPP - I'm sorry, I don't catch the pun - stiil talking English as a Spanish cow
ZEPP - Posted - 03/26/2007: 14:24:34
Originally posted by haiku
ZEPP [...] stiil talking English as a Spanish cow
haiku - Posted - 03/26/2007: 14:32:40
Originally posted by ZEPP
I can but hope that someday my French will be 1/100th as good as your English! Tu écris l'anglais très bien, en fait. Je n'arrive pas du tout d'écrire on français!
Galante_K4 - Posted - 03/26/2007: 22:47:21
Not bad at all!
This is why I love the hangout! Living in pre-internet isolation for so many years, I had never heard the term clucking.
Now I realize I've been CLUCKING all these years and not just clucking around! :-)
"Admitting to yourself that you have BAS is the first step in recovery."
carlliebig - Posted - 03/27/2007: 12:43:05
Man you can cluck and speak French, two of the things that I am working on. The clucking sounds great.
BadBrad - Posted - 03/27/2007: 15:25:02
Do you have to play over the neck to get the cluck? Does it have to have those harmonics to be a cluck?
haiku - Posted - 03/27/2007: 15:32:17
Originally posted by carlliebig
Man you can cluck and speak French, two of the things that I am working on.The clucking sounds great.
Originally posted by BadBrad
Do you have to play over the neck to get the cluck? Does it have to have those harmonics to be a cluck?
gdtrfb24 - Posted - 03/27/2007: 20:24:19
sounds good!! so what song is that? i guess i missed the earlier thread. i love deadwood, but since i don't have HBO, i watch the dvd's when they are released.
haiku - Posted - 03/28/2007: 02:32:04
Originally posted by gdtrfb24
sounds good!! so what song is that? i guess i missed the earlier thread. i love deadwood, but since i don't have HBO, i watch the dvd's when they are released.
gdtrfb24 - Posted - 03/28/2007: 17:33:35
*lol* that's to funny!!!! thanks for clearing that up. the song sounded familiar and someone mentioned deadwood, so i put the two together.