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maryzcox - Posted - 03/10/2007: 07:39:24
The Suwannee Banjo Camp is coming up this next weekend in Oleno State Park in Florida and I will be there as an instructor. They added me a couple months ago, but many of the ads were not updated, so thought I'd list the workshops I will be giving for the camp.
If you were planning on taking the novice section,
I hope you will come to my workshop (Coordinating the left and right
hands)as it is a very helpful and fun workshop. :)
The good news is that the intermediate/advanced workshops that I'm
teaching are on some fun new topics and I hope you will come :)
Here are the titles:
1.Learn Snowdrop in Open C tuning
2. Making a traditional tune your own
3.Low A tuning (c#AEAB)for a big banjo voice
4. Adding notes past the 5th fret in a natural way
5.Alternate sounds for tubby Banjos: gourd, minstrel & grain measure
All of my workshops are hands on and focus on real tunes to play. :)
Additionally, one evening, Bob and I will be leading the slow jam, but the
other evening--we'll host a "Banjo Campfire." (No--we will not be burning
our banjos--but please come and share what's new in the banjo life with
you--a new banjo, a new tune, new strings, a new way of picking--its great
fun and stress free. )
The Suwannee camp schedule is up online, so take a look and see all of the
instructors and courses.
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes,
Mary Z. Cox
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)
arnie - Posted - 03/10/2007: 09:06:50
What a great lineup! I can't be there, but this is sure to be a grand time for anyone who is lucky enough to attend. Mary, could you pass on my regards to Ken,Alan,Bob,and Reed for me? I know that novices will get a lot out of Mary's classes - so good luck and enjoy!
Arnie Naiman
maryzcox - Posted - 03/10/2007: 10:27:32
Hello Arnie,
Sure--will be happy to say hello for you. Actually, if you take a look at the schedule for the camp--I am only teaching one novice workshop.
Most of the instructors are all teaching one novice workshop a piece, with Chuck Levy teaching four novice classes. That is really nice, because that allows all the folks--no matter what level--to get a chance to take from many different instructors.
But I am excited to teach some more advanced but fun classes on different banjos and different tunings this time.
Oh--and I'll be bringing a brand new custom design T-shirt to camp that Bob and I secretly call "Banjo Supremacy"
Think it will be a lot of fun.
Best wishes,
Mary Z. Cox
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)
wormpicker - Posted - 03/10/2007: 10:50:41
Hi Mary,
That is a great lineup, and it sounds like great fun. It sure would be nice to get some more of these great players/educators to the Banjo Hangout. Think you could put in a plug for us when you get together with them?
Obsession is a great substitute for talent. -Steve Martin
J-Walk - Posted - 03/23/2007: 19:11:59
Somebody posted a bunch of videos:
pastorharry - Posted - 03/27/2007: 02:41:49
wow, thanks for that link JWALK, I think I have a new favorite player in Mark Johnson. Aloha, PH
Isaiah 38:20 -played on banjo,guitar,dulcimer
madkelt2004 - Posted - 03/27/2007: 11:32:36
Just wanted to say that I had a great time at Suwannee Banjo Camp '07!
It was my first time attending one, so I don't really have anything to base my opinion on, but Ken Perlman did a great job organizing it: from the eclectic mix of world class instructors (I've never seen anyone look like they were enjoying something as much as you looked like you were enjoying playing, Mary; sheer glee!) to the catered food (which really was delicious in spite of what all the old hippie-vegans were carping about!).
I originally attended for the Bluegrass track, but ended up in the novice Clawhammer track! I'm glad I did too! Learning about the "old time music" was particularly fascinating for me because it ties into my love of Celtic music!
I'm now a cross-over from Scruggs style to Clawhammer.
Thanks for the fun and the education!
I do hope y'all are planning on doing it again next year; I'll be there!
Clawdan - Posted - 03/27/2007: 20:53:26
Glad you had a great time Preston. Bob C said it was a good camp too. I'll be in Tampa doing a weeklong clawhammer workshop next week if you want to get a good grounding as you get into the claw zone!
Play nice,
Dan "Ain't no bum-diddy" Levenson
Old Time Music and Dance
Author of Clawhammer Banjo From Scratch, A guide for the claw-less - a MelBay Publication
and Old Time Festival Tunes for Clawhammer Banjo (MelBay 20313) - 117 tunes tabbed for clawhammer banjo with standard notation and suggested chords.
Tune list at http://www.folknet.org/dan/FestTunesBJBook.htm
maryzcox - Posted - 03/27/2007: 22:32:01
Hello Preston,
Thanks for all your kind words. The camp was a lot of fun. Not only did I see many dear and loved ones there, but even folks I met for the first time were friendly and fun. Were you there for the bluegrass jam with Bill Keith? What a treat--he even sang this really long hilarious tune that had so many words I don't know how he could ever remember all those words--but he is such an awesome banjoist and entertainer.
Although, I've seen and heard Bob Carlin perform and teach many times before--I had never had the opportunity to hear him play minstrel banjo up close and I was very impressed with his knowledge and execution of historical styles. Very nice.
The best part was the students---they gave me all the musical geniuses again.
Hope to see you again.
Best wishes,
Mary Z. Cox
ps. Did you put up those videos? Do you know who did?
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)
maryzcox - Posted - 03/27/2007: 23:46:48
Not if you wear XXXL!
Mary Z.
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)
brokenstrings - Posted - 03/28/2007: 00:44:28
Mary, I can see you don't wear XXXL! Heck, even I don't.
Frailaway, ladies, frailaway!