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Copo - Posted - 03/09/2007: 08:36:11
Im learnig blackberry blossom from mike iverson;s tab on bluesageband.com. Is it as tricky to get the hang of as it is for me (quite tricky!)? It's great for messing around with, but i dont want to put all this effort in to realise there's an easier way to play.
chip arnold - Posted - 03/09/2007: 09:38:47
There's always an easier way. There's always a harder way. Then there's the way you want it to sound.
Work through whatever tab you've got 'till you can to hear the tune. Then feel free to render the tune any way you please without doing damage to the tune itself. Blacberry Blossom can be played in a recognisable fashion using only barre chords for the up the neck part. The B part can all be played without getting above the 4th fret.
Play with a plan
maxmax - Posted - 03/09/2007: 09:44:22
If you are asking for a simpler way to play the song? Then japp, there are about a 100 ways to play that song. The easyest would be to just play bar chords down, starting at G (12th fret) down to D (7th fret) to C (5th fret) then open G then first position C then D7 and then do it once more and you pretty much have the A part down. In the B part, instead of going up the neck, just play a B chord (bar at fourth fret).
Hope that might help. Even though it will not sound as interesting as Iversons fancy version.
maxmax - Posted - 03/09/2007: 09:46:00
Hehe, Chip beat me to it... I See I forgot a open G after the first position C and after the D7.
jasperr - Posted - 03/09/2007: 19:48:44
Yes, there's an easier way to play BB. Try it in Cumberland Gap tuning: gEADE. Start with sawmill tuning (gDGCD) capoed up 2 frets, and tune the 5th string down to g. It comes out in key of G. Works great.
maryzcox - Posted - 03/10/2007: 07:08:57
Hello Copo,
There's an easy and pretty version in G in "Walkin' That Banjo Home" banjo tab book.
Best wishes,
Mary Z. Cox
If you suspect you need a new banjo--you do. Trust your musical instincts. If a banjo calls to you to buy it, don't fight destiny. It was meant to be. :)
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