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pstroud1 - Posted - 02/05/2007: 20:23:29
The fwd roll just started sounding like a fwd roll tonight.
I usually just pick up the banjo and just pick songs and sing. But I was reading that thread about practicing rolls so I decided to do that again. And HOT DOG it just started sounding right. I had been playing the TIMTIM part of the fwd roll on the same strings and it got boring so I played the first time on 521 and the second time on 321, wow what a difference. Probably not much to some of you buy I am learning by ear and by dang my ear feels good tonight.
Just had to let someone know besides Linda Lou when she heard me holler I GOT IT.
banjomikey - Posted - 02/05/2007: 20:35:06
Congrats Paul! I'm glad you're making progress my friend! We all know the feeling when we have a break through! I had one the other day myself, so I can certainly understand your excitement!!!! Keep it up buddy! Congrats again Paul!
You can pick your nose and you can pick your banjo, but you can't roll banjos into little balls and flick 'em! (_)==='~
Joanchek - Posted - 02/05/2007: 20:48:25
Paul? You know how good that "eureka!" moment felt? It gets better. :D
A few banjo-centric items for your consideration--Check out new designs written by Mike Gregory: www.cafepress.com/eggheadtrivia
flange5st - Posted - 02/05/2007: 22:01:14
.......you da man ,Paul.........you da man!!!!!!!!!!!.............Peace
sangrej - Posted - 02/05/2007: 22:12:41
Don't you love that light bulb moment? Keep on keepin' on!
"The way I see it, as soon as a baby is born he should be issued a banjo." --Linus Van Pelt
wrentree - Posted - 02/05/2007: 22:54:40
Hey Paul,
Don't ya just love the way that these people open up to you when you make a breakthrough!! It has to feel good to break through, and it is so much better when you can share it with people like the ones we have on this site. When one of us makes it, all of us make it. I LOVE IT. Don't ever change folks. This is true teamwork. Congratulations Paul. Harold
AD3AD3AD3 - Posted - 02/06/2007: 08:43:02
Yeah, a good breakthrough makes up for all the hours in between. This process is filled with learning plateaus - suddenly moving ahead is a joy.
bjango53 - Posted - 02/06/2007: 09:24:27
Great stuff paul this kind of thing gives us all encouragement
pickingfive - Posted - 02/06/2007: 10:19:38
I am happy for you, Paul, and glad you shared that moment that is hard to put into words. A highly experienced five string banjo picker I know told me he was camped at a bluegrass festival, and one night as he was listening to the performers on stage, the drive of the forward roll and its importance suddenly became clear to him.
I had an "Awwh RIGHT" experience myself several days ago when I began the Murphy Henry lesson on "Improvising: The First Stage." The first song is Blue Ridge Cabin Home, and I was thrilled to see how quickly I could pick up and play (fairly well, but not without mistakes!!) her improvisation of the song. I was equally pleased to see that my attempts in the past to improvise on Blue Ridge Cabin Home on my own included some of the same licks she uses!!! I am also working to learn how Earl did it in the first edition of his book. However, I have a difficult time with tablature, and that is coming very slowly. But hey, any pickin' of any kind on "the five" is good!!
Edited by - pickingfive on 02/06/2007 10:21:23
GP4 Tom - Posted - 02/06/2007: 10:26:44
Achevement is always fun, especially when it comes to playing the banjo.