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andyrattle - Posted - 02/05/2007: 12:04:49
playing through my usual tunes today and i suddenly heard this sound ive been aiming for, its that slow controlled slide from 2 to 5 on the 4th string, it was during the third verse of foggy mountain breakdown (though im not sure i play the right version, its one from this site). i must have been really relaxed because now im trying i cant do it again. usually that slide shoots right up there and gets lost in the notes.
anyone explain the sound i mean better than me? It kind of hangs on the 2nd fret a fraction of a second rather than sliding straight away. Is there a technique to learn it?
Ive been playing a few years and its the first time i did it
"If 100,000 monkeys were given 100,000 Banjos they would eventually play Foggy Mountain Breakdown. But imagine 100,000 monkeys and only 99,000 Banjos, what a terrible waste of monkey-power"
crowestyle - Posted - 02/05/2007: 13:16:15
It is a little bit of a slow slide. You should actually be hitting the third string with your index finger (right hand) at the same time your slide reaches the 5th fret. That's what gives it the slow feeling. It's an important one to learn. One of the best songs for practicing it is "Fireball Mail."
"I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that."- Mitch Hedberg
andyrattle - Posted - 02/05/2007: 14:33:33
Thanks crowestyle.
im pretty sure i am hitting that note on the 3rd with my index at the same time as my finger reaches the 5th, although on the first slide im hitting the second string like the tab , but it doesnt always sound as cool as it did today and i cant work out why.
The part in question.
"If 100,000 monkeys were given 100,000 Banjos they would eventually play Foggy Mountain Breakdown. But imagine 100,000 monkeys and only 99,000 Banjos, what a terrible waste of monkey-power"
Edited by - andyrattle on 02/05/2007 14:34:48
crowestyle - Posted - 02/05/2007: 16:09:57
Originally posted by andyrattle
Thanks crowestyle.
im pretty sure i am hitting that note on the 3rd with my index at the same time as my finger reaches the 5th, although on the first slide im hitting the second string like the tab , but it doesnt always sound as cool as it did today and i cant work out why.
The part in question.
"If 100,000 monkeys were given 100,000 Banjos they would eventually play Foggy Mountain Breakdown. But imagine 100,000 monkeys and only 99,000 Banjos, what a terrible waste of monkey-power"
ole blackie - Posted - 02/05/2007: 16:49:03
Crowestyle is absolutely correct. That slide should have a deliberate hesitation to it, so that you will be hearing the following notes on top of it so to speak, allowing that slide note to drone, so to speak. Dont rush the slide, let it lag.
..."The Lord opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble". I Peter 5:5
arnie fleischer - Posted - 02/05/2007: 17:03:18
Not rushing is great advice. You always have more time than you think to complete a lick. When you reach the fifth fret, don't be in a hurry to leave the string. Keep that finger down and get the full benefit of the last note of the slide. It's just as important for the overall effect as the first note is.
jdmatthew - Posted - 02/05/2007: 23:43:39
Arnie, I agree totally. I'd been picking about a year when I figured out to keep my finger down after a slide until I HAD to move it to another string. Made a huge difference in my sound. One of those times learning by tab rather than a teacher is a handicap.
Jadie Matthew
Lampasas, Texas
andyrattle - Posted - 02/06/2007: 04:14:52
Originally posted by jdmatthew
I'd been picking about a year when I figured out to keep my finger down after a slide until I HAD to move it to another string.