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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Randy Lynn Rag Question

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Banjopicaso - Posted - 02/04/2007:  09:53:02

I was looking at a video by Seanray. I noticed during the song he did something with his tuning pegs during the song. It made a sound I had always assumed was a choke. Can anyone elaborate on what he is doing?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-roll, Tootsie-Pop? I have no idea, I never tried playing while eating one.

seanray - Posted - 02/04/2007:  10:28:45

This should explain it:

Banjopicaso - Posted - 02/04/2007:  10:44:45

So you put them in place of all the tuning pegs or just certain strings?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-roll, Tootsie-Pop? I have no idea, I never tried playing while eating one.

uncledaveh - Posted - 02/04/2007:  10:55:56

Most pickers use the Scruggs/Keith tuners on the 2nd and 3rd strings. I have seen a few pickers use them on all four strings.

Hot dog!!

David "Uncle Dave" Holbrook
Rockdale Ridgerunners

"Now good people, we're going to play this next tune with more heterogeneous constapolicy, double flavor and unknown quality than usual."

banjoguy1984 - Posted - 02/04/2007:  22:36:47

I will be ordering a set from Bill, for a banjo I'm tryign to get together for my buddy....

I still have not found my niche with them yet...HAHA
They add another dimension to the beloved bluegrass sound!!

Edited by - banjoguy1984 on 02/04/2007 22:37:30

crowestyle - Posted - 02/05/2007:  09:58:26

I would buy the actual Keith Tuners if you are going to get a set of D-tuners. They are of very high quality, but they are a pain to fool around with when you want to do a song. It's always taken me a few minutes to get them set up where everything is in tune, and even then, by the end of the song, the B string is usually out of tune anyway because of the constant loosening and tightening. Reguardless of the downside, playing songs with tuners are a lot of fun to play, and are a good crowd pleaser.

"I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that."- Mitch Hedberg

rwkuta - Posted - 02/05/2007:  10:52:01

Keep yer nut lubricated with pencil lead and the Keith Tuner pegs will behave much better. I do it almost once a week when using the Keith pegs alot.

"Obsession is a great subsitute for talent" Steve Martin

cthetford - Posted - 02/05/2007:  10:56:10

This song can also be played with slides instead of using the tuners if you don't feel like spending $150 to be able to play one song.

The Pope - Posted - 02/06/2007:  03:17:23

When you use slides, it just doesn't sound the same. There is also more than one tune you can play using tuners. Not a lot but at least a dozen...

Keith tuners are also great tuners in the general sense...

The Pope

“You let the Blue Grass Music in your mind.”

Bill Monroe

jcomfs - Posted - 02/06/2007:  12:20:20

i also find that i am out of tune after using the Keith tuners. Sonny sells a set of "ugly" tuners that he says do not go out of tune. you can check his website. they are ugly though JC

flake - Posted - 02/06/2007:  12:52:22

A couple of things you can do to help with Keiths:
Make sure you wind your strings on the posts properly---not too many winds, no overlaps, etc.
Set both high stops at the same time. Then, tune down, and set both low stops at the same time.

And like has already been said, keep the tuners lubed (some light machine oil, like sewing machine oil), and graphite the nut slots. If you're hearing a creaking noise, most likely a string is hanging up somewhere, and this will throw the tuning off.


beegee - Posted - 02/06/2007:  13:11:46

The thing about Randy Lynn is that you up-tune the B string and down-tune the G string. In the other popular Earl tunes, you down-tune both the B and the G.

"Drum on your drums, batter on your banjos, sob on the long cool winding saxophones. Go to it, O jazzmen" Carl Sandburg, 1920

Grifton NC

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