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Beacon - Posted - 02/02/2007: 18:13:42
Hello everyone! I just started playing today, and am having trouble keeping my banjo neck from dropping. I am sitting with the banjo positioned between my legs, but the outside of the resonator is so smooth that the banjo just slides right down. This is troublesome because I find I am having to support the banjo neck with my left hand, which makes it much more difficult, and tiring, to play. Any suggestions/ideas on how to keep it from slipping?
Beacon - Posted - 02/02/2007: 18:15:14
yes, but I only have a guitar strap. It doesn't seem to hold the banjo upright...Do i need to purchase a banjo strap to keep this from happening?
wrentree - Posted - 02/02/2007: 18:40:22
Try wrapping the rough side of the strap around the bottom edge of the resonator and then placing the banjo in your lap. That should stop the sliding for a while. At least until you can figure a better way. Harold
scruggsfan - Posted - 02/02/2007: 19:03:09
Right, you shouldn't be using your left hand to hold up the neck at all, and it will hinder your playing (I tried to use that as an excuse but had to move on to other excuses ). The strap should take care of this -- you may just need to tighten it, or try a fleece-lined strap for friction (they're more comfortable anyway, IMO).
Beacon - Posted - 02/02/2007: 19:06:08
Thanks Harold and Ilana for your feedback! I'll try the idea with the strap until I scrounge up the money to get a new one ;D
flake - Posted - 02/02/2007: 19:06:38
It doesn't sound as though there is enough friction between the strap and your shoulder to keep the banjo from slipping. Try adjusting the strap so that it's supporting the banjo just a bit more---enough so that the strap is putting a little pressure on your shoulder. That should keep the banjo in place.
By the way, sort of a starting point as to where to adjust the strap is to sit down with the banjo as if you were going to play and practice, with the banjo held comfortably. That's the point you want to adjust your strap to hit. That way, when you stand up, the banjo is in the same place, relative to you arm(s) and hand. It makes for more consistency.
wrentree - Posted - 02/02/2007: 19:38:04
By the way, sort of a starting point as to where to adjust the strap is to sit down with the banjo as if you were going to play and practice, with the banjo held comfortably. That's the point you want to adjust your strap to hit. That way, when you stand up, the banjo is in the same place, relative to you arm(s) and hand. It makes for more consistency
Mike, That makes so much sense. I guess some things are so close to a person (me) that they(me) don't see the obvious. Harold
banjogud - Posted - 02/02/2007: 20:43:07
Question #2 how are you connecting your strap to the banjo? one end should attach to the bracket hook next to the tailpiece, the one closest to you ,..the other end should wrap around the heel and attach to the first, or second hook beyond the heel. This should orient your banjo in a position that you canmplay it,..despite how slippery your strap is.
Jukka - Posted - 02/02/2007: 20:56:25
Hey beacon glad to see you decided to pick up the banjo, as far as the slipping goes just make sure the strap isnt too lose, not quite sure what to tell you there, but you will have a lot of fun with the banjo. i know i do!
Beacon - Posted - 02/03/2007: 00:03:58
Banjogud - The banjo I have (Austin AU670) actually has little slots that look like they are for the strap - one is on the tailpiece, the other is just above the neck. Should I not be using these?
randybartlett - Posted - 02/03/2007: 00:43:32
Here's the real deal.
Get some of that drawer liner... your wife will know what I mean. It's a rubberized liner you can cut with scissors to line kitchen drawers. It keeps stuff from slipping around and rattling.
Cut yourself a couple of pieces about 4" x 6".
When you go to play, toss a piece in your lap on your left leg at the top of your thigh (where the banjo is).
You will like this.
My playing is a natural product. Minor variations and imperfections are normal and only serve to enhance it's natural beauty.
banjogud - Posted - 02/03/2007: 07:59:08
Originally posted by Beacon
Banjogud - The banjo I have (Austin AU670) actually has little slots that look like they are for the strap - one is on the tailpiece, the other is just above the neck. Should I not be using these?
imac50 - Posted - 02/03/2007: 08:25:14
I think banjogud has hit the nail on the head! The strap should be attached to the second or first bracket on the underside of the neck as you look down on it. Standing up, adjust where you attach the strap until you find the place where the banjo is in balance. Then you can adjust the length to suit you standing or sitting. If the banjo came with hooks to attach the strap then you will probably find they are in the wrong place. At least over here I have never come across any that have been positioned to balance the banjo where the neck is held in a playable position.
Edited by - imac50 on 02/03/2007 08:26:16
kjrman - Posted - 02/03/2007: 08:32:59
Randys suggestion works great. I use this stuff all the time. The banjo won't move. I also cut a little piece of it and wrap it around my thumb prior to putting on my thumb pick. I used to have trouble with the pic slipping, no more. My pic and banjo stay exactly where I put them.
fixdent - Posted - 02/03/2007: 08:51:57
My first banjo had attaching points just as beacon says....one just above the neck. I found this was not a good spot, and went to the brackets..two below the neck. Worked way better for me.
Beacon - Posted - 02/03/2007: 13:43:10
Thank you banjogud! That fixed my problem completely! Thanks to everyone else for their responses too ;D
knows pickin - Posted - 02/04/2007: 15:21:20
I have about a 2ft section of the rubber drawer liner that Randy mentioned. I lay it on my lap, between my legs, and the banjo will stay in place without slipping. It's particularly effective when you're not wearing a strap.
Knows Pickin
Don't keep pickin it, You'l only make it sore! (mom)
stanger - Posted - 02/04/2007: 21:33:21
Hi, Beacon...
Don't wear nylon parachute pants... to slick! Roll up the sleeve of your right arm and let your bare skin hold the banjo on the armrest. It won't take much pressure to hold it.
As you become accustomed to it, the banjo will slip less. Beginners always think a banjo is going to jump off their lap and run away at first when it slips a little. Don't use the grip strip and see just how far it will slide with your right forearm resting lightly on the armrest. Then see how far it will go with both hands off the banjo. Until you're comfortable, use the kitchen drawer grip strip... they work well.
John Allison - Posted - 02/05/2007: 11:45:47
I forget who said it but it is so true, the strap holds the banjo not the player. So true, this leaves your hands free to move (left) up and down the neck and the other to move back and forth between the X and Y position. I like the cradle strap especially for the heavier banjos (like my ODE) but, in lieu of the cradle strap, I attach my straps to bracket on the lower side of the banjo again giving support to the banjo itself rather that just two brackets.
PickinNGrinin - Posted - 02/05/2007: 15:55:29
Get a banjo strap because th banjo straps are made to be up around the chest so keeping it up sitting is not a problem. But if you dont use the strap then you should try to adjust your legs. I set mine right on top of my legs.
Pickin N Grinin With Christ,
Trey Reed