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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Bill Evans Workshop - ONLINE

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WildJimbo - Posted - 12/28/2006:  21:37:56

Sign up NOW for the Bill Evans Back-up Banjo Workshop!

Date: February 11, 2007
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Cost: $20

This workshop will be limited to 25 seats!

This will be a back-up workshop. The first hour will cover down the neck back-up, and the second hour will cover up the neck back-up.

Note: If you are new to our system please sign in to the chat and make sure everything is working before signing up for the workshop. We want you there, but we want to make sure you can hear what's being played or said, and see what may be displayed in the browser.

How to Sign Up

Once you know it all works, you can sign up for the workshop by sending an email to Once I receive your email I will forward you information regarding payment. After you've paid I will send you a User ID and Password for the workshop.

Remember, it's first come - first served; and when it fills up, it fills up.


Jim Pankey | |

banjoboyone - Posted - 12/28/2006:  22:32:41

Why only 25 seats? Is it a bandwidth issue?


"I pick with the (kids most every) night, so I live a simple life..."

WildJimbo - Posted - 12/28/2006:  22:49:23

Originally posted by banjoboyone

Why only 25 seats? Is it a bandwidth issue?

It's not really an issue of bandwidth so much as it is the amount we'd have to pay for a larger room, and since we're running on donations...

We have 30 slots... so with 25 seats sold that gives a slot for Bill and one for me leaving me 3 seats to "fudge" if I need to.

I figure if we sell this out, then next time I'll look into renting more space, but I'll cross that when we get there.

So, that said, yes, there's 25 seats, and if anyone wants one, it'd be a good idea to shoot me an email about it.

Jim Pankey | |

banjoboyone - Posted - 12/28/2006:  23:04:26

Okay, wait a minute. Forgive me if I seem dense, but if this is an online workshop, what does room size have to do with it? Is it actually a live workshop, which is to be available online, as well? If it's not a bandwidth issue, I'm still lost on why you are only selling 25 seats to online attendees. Sorry to be making a seeming big deal about it. I'm just a little confused, I guess.


"I pick with the (kids most every) night, so I live a simple life..."

Rich Mason - Posted - 12/28/2006:  23:21:42

I think Jim pays for a maximum of thirty concurrent users for the banjo lounge. Since he pays for 30, that is what I understand to be his maximum room size in the electronic world. This can tie back to costs for bandwidth and management/support for the room. I'm not sure if he can have a one-time upgrade of services for a larger than 30 meeting such as this.

banjoboyone - Posted - 12/29/2006:  02:36:04

Oh, so we're talking about a "virtual room" as opposed to an actual room. Okay, sorry. I'm not up on a lot of this Internet virtual lingo. Scary world we live in, when we start talking about hard disk space or bandwidth as if it's an actual place. I guess a lot of people do basically live in a "virtual world".


"I pick with the (kids most every) night, so I live a simple life..."

WildJimbo - Posted - 12/29/2006:  08:25:42

Rich has it figured out. You can think of it as a "real" room if you wish, but I've only got a total of 30 chairs.

I could buy more chairs, but as it stands the only time we've used all 30 was in the Ryan Cavanaugh workshop - but it was free.

Either way you should check out the chat, we find folks in there at all hours. I'm guessing your timezone would be real close to the Aussie regulars. There appears to be a couple of folks in there as I make this post. Grab your mic, banjo, and come pick a tune!

Jim Pankey | |

Ronnie Ramin - Posted - 12/29/2006:  09:34:40

Although the Workshop is "Virtual" it is very interactive. The Presenter speaks through a microphone and plays the banjo live. You are able to ask questions via the keyboard, and he comments on them as needed, plays examples, etc... A great benefit is the ability to easily record the whole workshop with a click of the button, for study later. Another benefit is that you can plunk away on your Banjo, working on ideas and such and not interrupt the workshop. Like Jim said stop by check it out. it's easy, and there is a broad range of talent, and styles, at any given time.


8thpol - Posted - 12/30/2006:  09:33:26

Virtual or in person Bill Evans is a special instructor well worth a seat anytime. I just attended a clinic in Mass and left with a ton of great ideas, had fun, and meet some good folks

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/04/2007:  21:59:12

Just thought I'd bump this up...

Should be a great workshop for folks interested in Scruggs Style backup!

There are seats left, so don't talk yourself out of it!

Jim Pankey | |

paulbluegrass - Posted - 01/04/2007:  22:37:13

what level of experience will this session be?

Paul D

bindle stiff jim - Posted - 01/04/2007:  22:40:13

jimbo- tried to send a email to workshops at banjolounge dot com and it wouldn't go. i sent it to a jim_pankey address charis gave me. please sign me up and send the info to for payment.

thanks. it's the email from vamccracken

dave - banjo pickin' backpacker
midlothian, va

bindle stiff jim - Posted - 01/05/2007:  00:21:16

thanks jim,

i put in some extra towards the lounge chat.

dave - banjo pickin' backpacker
midlothian, va

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/05/2007:  08:43:29

Originally posted by paulbluegrass

what level of experience will this session be?

I don't like to label these workshops in terms of experience level, because I've found that just about everyone picks up something of value. However, the down the neck section is likely geared to the advancing beginner and the up the neck section is likely geared to the advancing intermediate player.

We want everyone to go away with something.

Jim Pankey | |

scruggsfan - Posted - 01/05/2007:  15:35:51

Sorry to ask a dumb question, but since this is a workshop is a mike setup needed (ie for Bill to hear participants)? If no mike is required I'm interested - I just don't have one.


serialOC - Posted - 01/05/2007:  18:05:00

Originally posted by scruggsfan

Sorry to ask a dumb question, but since this is a workshop is a mike setup needed (ie for Bill to hear participants)? If no mike is required I'm interested - I just don't have one.

You can get one for 9 bucks at walmart that will due. We would all love to have Peluso CEMC6's but they are not really a necessity.

Proudly learnin to pick more than my nose!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ks_5-picker - Posted - 01/05/2007:  20:58:37

Originally posted by scruggsfan

Sorry to ask a dumb question, but since this is a workshop is a mike setup needed (ie for Bill to hear participants)? If no mike is required I'm interested - I just don't have one.


This is not a dumb question.Here's another answer,you don't have to have a mic,you can just type and send if you have a question.......


a song I wrote:

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/06/2007:  00:08:41

Originally posted by scruggsfan

Sorry to ask a dumb question, but since this is a workshop is a mike setup needed (ie for Bill to hear participants)? If no mike is required I'm interested - I just don't have one.


Rod nailed this one, but let me confirm it for you. All you need is speakers to hear what's being said or played. If you want to ask a question you can just type it. You won't be the lone typist either, most folks type out their questions while the teacher is playing or talking. It just works nicely that way.

Come visit us and check it out!

Jim Pankey | |

scruggsfan - Posted - 01/06/2007:  07:40:16

Thanks for the info - picking, typing, reading, listening - sounds like fun! I'll just be sure to keep the coffee in the next room. I'll come visit the lounge.

Happy Birthday, Earl!!


serialOC - Posted - 01/06/2007:  07:47:43

Originally posted by Ronnie Ramin

A great benefit is the ability to easily record the whole workshop with a click of the button, for study later.

Do you have to use a program to record it or does it literally have a record option built in?

Proudly learnin to pick more than my nose!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

fixdent - Posted - 01/06/2007:  08:39:50

There is a built in recording option in the chat room.


WildJimbo - Posted - 01/06/2007:  10:20:40

Not only do you record sound, you get all of the typed text, anything that's shown in the room's web-browser, as well as what's displayed on the whiteboard. That way when you play it back you get everything in context.

Jim Pankey | |

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/12/2007:  17:44:02

Ok.. we're about a month out, and we're over halfway to filling it up.

Once again, I'll just add that this will be a great workshop for those of you interested in picking up some good back-up ideas.

Jim Pankey | |

tigerwuds - Posted - 01/16/2007:  04:20:07

There's been quite a few questions lately asking about advice and technics for playing backup well here's a golden opportunity you won't get better than Bill's teachings on backup any one who as his power Picking Dvd's will know he is a great teacher and comunicator and you can record the whole session for future reference, what more could you wish???

"It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.".......Play Live.Learn, Listern or Chat at the:---

bindle stiff jim - Posted - 01/16/2007:  11:38:11

have the user id and passwords been sent out yet?

dave - banjo pickin' backpacker
midlothian, va

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/16/2007:  23:18:24

Originally posted by bindle stiff jim

have the user id and passwords been sent out yet?

dave - banjo pickin' backpacker

I've sent passwords and ids to everyone that's sent me payment. If I missed yours please send me a copy of the email.


Jim Pankey | |

bindle stiff jim - Posted - 01/16/2007:  23:33:19

i just checked my records on paypal and you don't show. i must have messed up when i tried to send it before. i apologize. i just sent it again.

dave - banjo pickin' backpacker
midlothian, va

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/16/2007:  23:36:17


I was just going thru my paypal to double check. About that time the payment showed up! I'm sure you'll enjoy the workshop.

Jim Pankey | |

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  10:40:51

Signed up yet?

Don't forget.

Jim Pankey | |

OldFox - Posted - 01/24/2007:  14:18:01

Wildjimbo wrote:
'Not only do you record sound, you get all of the typed text, anything that's shown in the room's web-browser, as well as what's displayed on the whiteboard. That way when you play it back you get everything in context.'

Just wondering: what will be shown in the browser?


Every workplace should have a banjo break!

thomas15 - Posted - 01/24/2007:  14:53:02

I have a question (raises hand). There was some discussion about microphones. If you have a microphone, will you be able to talk to the instructor/class? How do you keep law and order if you have 25 people all wanting to ask questions at the same time?


Firefighter 426 Franklin Twp. Volunteer Fire Co.
Carbon County PA

zeemo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  16:22:39

Are you implying that banjo players lack civility ????? If you have a mic, you have the ability to talk to the group. But only one person can speak or use the mic function at a time. If more than one person wants to use the mic, the system queues them up in the order that they hit the mic button. Other than that, there's also a fair amount of text messaging going on. Stop in and check the place out beforehand and get a feel for it.

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  21:16:56

Originally posted by OldFox

Just wondering: what will be shown in the browser?

Depending on what sort of information I have to post I'll use either the browser or the whiteboard.

Larger items wind up in the browser, where small things and diagrams usually make their way to the whiteboard.

Jim Pankey | |

Edited by - WildJimbo on 01/24/2007 21:19:09

torpedo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  21:47:40

where is the chat room?


bindle stiff jim - Posted - 01/24/2007:  22:12:35

there's a link in the upper right labeled banjo lounge chat.

it may tell you to download something. just say yes and it will do the rest. it really is a great place.

dave - banjo pickin' backpacker
midlothian, va

torpedo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  22:15:33

Thanks Dave,I looked all over for it. I'll see if I can bring it up


torpedo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  22:17:07

Thanks Dave,I looked all over for it. I'll see if I can bring it up. Dave the upper right of what? I can't see it anywhere.


torpedo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  22:17:17

Thanks Dave,I looked all over for it. I'll see if I can bring it up. Dave the upper right of what? I can't see it anywhere.


Jarron - Posted - 01/24/2007:  22:38:17

Isn't it amazing what technoleogy can do?

- Jarron
"If it ain't got a Banjo
in it, it ain't Bluegrass."
- Ed Bolton

WildJimbo - Posted - 01/24/2007:  22:42:00

Originally posted by torpedo

Thanks Dave,I looked all over for it. I'll see if I can bring it up. Dave the upper right of what? I can't see it anywhere.

When you go to look on the right-hand side of the page at the work Links. The chat link is directly under that. Also... if you look at the very top of the page you will see "...and join us in the Banjo Lounge!" You can also click on the words "Banjo Lounge"...

If that just doesn't work, you can just click here....

Jim Pankey | |

tigerwuds - Posted - 02/06/2007:  05:39:23

last chance saloon, 5 days to go last time i spoke with Jim only a few seats left, you won't get better back up tuition Bill is a wizard and conveys his technics in a clear and understandable manner, there's been a lot of questions lately about backup technics don't miss this golden opportunity Bill's a busy schedule it may not happen again for some time

"It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.".......Play Live.Learn, Listern or Chat at the:---

Edited by - tigerwuds on 02/06/2007 05:41:08

rstieg - Posted - 02/06/2007:  13:32:55

I couldn't agree more. I've taken several workshops from Bill and some private lessons and I've found him to be an excellent instructor and extremely knowledgeable, not to mention an outstanding banjo player and all-around nice guy. This is an incredible bargain to get to spend 2 hours with Bill, and the ability to record the entire session so you can go over it again and again is just a huge plus.

Pleasanton, CA

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