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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Tone Ring Smoothness

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HighLonesomeF5 - Posted - 09/22/2024:  06:43:30

Should a new plated resonator tone ring be smooth to the touch or are a few“burrs” that can be felt acceptable?

BobbyE - Posted - 09/22/2024:  06:45:33

Certainly not to the point that they could compromise the banjo's head.


KCJones - Posted - 09/22/2024:  08:29:58

Judging by that Burlile ring on the marketplace, they can be quite gnarly and still work just fine.

Old Hickory - Posted - 09/22/2024:  09:35:54

In addition to what Bobby said, I'd not want any burrs on surfaces that touch the rim since that could interfere with fit. I suppose proud-of-the-surface imperfections are acceptable where they affect nothing but looks and are rarely seen or touched.

Edited by - Old Hickory on 09/22/2024 09:36:11

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