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 ARCHIVED TOPIC: Backstraps on banjo necks

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kb10troy - Posted - 09/20/2024:  11:44:30

I love backstraps on banjo necks, but I've never been able to figure out exactly how you go about making one starting with the neck blank.

Anybody know the process? It's probably simpler than I think it is. LOL

Banner Blue - Posted - 09/20/2024:  15:11:17

Search Youtube for tutorials on GUITAR backstrap construction. No difference in method(s) between guitar and banjo.

Culloden - Posted - 09/20/2024:  16:48:10

Here's one I did a couple of years ago. It's not as intricate as many of the older ones you see pictures of but it was my first try. I shaped the neck down short of the final stages, then glued a piece of black peg head overlay on the back. This is what it looks like after final sanding and finishing.


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